class Reline::LineEditor
- CompletionJourneyState
- NullActionState
- RenderedScreen
TODO: 在放弃 Ruby 2.5 后使用 “private alias_method” 习惯用法。
# File reline/line_editor.rb, line 73 def initialize(config) @config = config @completion_append_character = '' @screen_size = [0, 0] # Should be initialized with actual winsize in LineEditor#reset reset_variables end
# File reline/line_editor.rb, line 692 def add_dialog_proc(name, p, context = nil) dialog =, @config,, @config, p, context)) if index = @dialogs.find_index { |d| == name } @dialogs[index] = dialog else @dialogs << dialog end end
# File reline/line_editor.rb, line 1282 def byte_pointer=(val) @byte_pointer = val end
# File reline/line_editor.rb, line 398 def calculate_overlay_levels(overlay_levels) levels = [] overlay_levels.each do |x, w, l| levels.fill(l, x, w) end levels end
# File reline/line_editor.rb, line 1122 def call_completion_proc(pre, target, post, quote) Reline.core.instance_variable_set(:@completion_quote_character, quote) result = call_completion_proc_with_checking_args(pre, target, post) Reline.core.instance_variable_set(:@completion_quote_character, nil) result end
# File reline/line_editor.rb, line 1129 def call_completion_proc_with_checking_args(pre, target, post) if @completion_proc and target argnum = @completion_proc.parameters.inject(0) { |result, item| case item.first when :req, :opt result + 1 when :rest break 3 end } case argnum when 1 result = @completion_proc.(target) when 2 result = @completion_proc.(target, pre) when 3..Float::INFINITY result = @completion_proc.(target, pre, post) end end result end
# File reline/line_editor.rb, line 446 def clear_dialogs @dialogs.each do |dialog| dialog.contents = nil dialog.trap_key = nil end end
# File reline/line_editor.rb, line 1223 def confirm_multiline_termination temp_buffer = @buffer_of_lines.dup @confirm_multiline_termination_proc.(temp_buffer.join("\n") + "\n") end
# File reline/line_editor.rb, line 304 def current_byte_pointer_cursor calculate_width(current_line.byteslice(0, @byte_pointer)) end
# File reline/line_editor.rb, line 1172 def current_line @buffer_of_lines[@line_index] end
# File reline/line_editor.rb, line 1248 def delete_text(start = nil, length = nil) if start.nil? and length.nil? if @buffer_of_lines.size == 1 @buffer_of_lines[@line_index] = '' @byte_pointer = 0 elsif @line_index == (@buffer_of_lines.size - 1) and @line_index > 0 @buffer_of_lines.pop @line_index -= 1 @byte_pointer = 0 elsif @line_index < (@buffer_of_lines.size - 1) @buffer_of_lines.delete_at(@line_index) @byte_pointer = 0 end elsif not start.nil? and not length.nil? if current_line before = current_line.byteslice(0, start) after = current_line.byteslice(start + length, current_line.bytesize) set_current_line(before + after) end elsif start.is_a?(Range) range = start first = range.first last = range.last last = current_line.bytesize - 1 if last > current_line.bytesize last += current_line.bytesize if last < 0 first += current_line.bytesize if first < 0 range = range.exclude_end? ? first...last : first..last line = current_line.bytes.reject.with_index{ |c, i| range.include?(i) }.map{ |c| c.chr(Encoding::ASCII_8BIT) }.join.force_encoding(encoding) set_current_line(line) else set_current_line(current_line.byteslice(0, start)) end end
# File reline/line_editor.rb, line 874 def dialog_proc_scope_completion_journey_data return nil unless @completion_journey_state line_index = @completion_journey_state.line_index pre_lines = @buffer_of_lines[0...line_index].map { |line| line + "\n" } post_lines = @buffer_of_lines[(line_index + 1)..-1].map { |line| line + "\n" } pre_lines.join + @completion_journey_state.pre, + post_lines.join, @completion_journey_state.list, @completion_journey_state.pointer ) end
# File reline/line_editor.rb, line 801 def editing_mode @config.editing_mode end
# File reline/line_editor.rb, line 84 def encoding io_gate.encoding end
# File reline/line_editor.rb, line 220 def eof? @eof end
# File reline/line_editor.rb, line 216 def finalize Signal.trap('INT', @old_trap) end
# File reline/line_editor.rb, line 1302 def finish @finished = true @config.reset end
# File reline/line_editor.rb, line 1298 def finished? @finished end
# File reline/line_editor.rb, line 168 def handle_signal handle_interrupted handle_resized end
# File reline/line_editor.rb, line 1043 def input_key(key) save_old_buffer @config.reset_oneshot_key_bindings if key.char.nil? process_insert(force: true) @eof = buffer_empty? finish return end @dialogs.each do |dialog| if key.method_symbol == return end end @completion_occurs = false process_key(key.char, key.method_symbol) if @config.editing_mode_is?(:vi_command) and @byte_pointer > 0 and @byte_pointer == current_line.bytesize byte_size = Reline::Unicode.get_prev_mbchar_size(@buffer_of_lines[@line_index], @byte_pointer) @byte_pointer -= byte_size end @prev_action_state, @next_action_state = @next_action_state, NullActionState unless @completion_occurs @completion_state = CompletionState::NORMAL @completion_journey_state = nil end push_input_lines unless @restoring @restoring = false if @in_pasting clear_dialogs return end modified = @old_buffer_of_lines != @buffer_of_lines if !@completion_occurs && modified && !@config.disable_completion && @config.autocompletion # Auto complete starts only when edited process_insert(force: true) @completion_journey_state = retrieve_completion_journey_state end modified end
# File reline/line_editor.rb, line 1228 def insert_multiline_text(text) pre = @buffer_of_lines[@line_index].byteslice(0, @byte_pointer) post = @buffer_of_lines[@line_index].byteslice(@byte_pointer..) lines = (pre + Reline::Unicode.safe_encode(text, encoding).gsub(/\r\n?/, "\n") + post).split("\n", -1) lines << '' if lines.empty? @buffer_of_lines[@line_index, 1] = lines @line_index += lines.size - 1 @byte_pointer = @buffer_of_lines[@line_index].bytesize - post.bytesize end
# File reline/line_editor.rb, line 1238 def insert_text(text) if @buffer_of_lines[@line_index].bytesize == @byte_pointer @buffer_of_lines[@line_index] += text else @buffer_of_lines[@line_index] = byteinsert(@buffer_of_lines[@line_index], @byte_pointer, text) end @byte_pointer += text.bytesize process_auto_indent end
# File reline/line_editor.rb, line 80 def io_gate Reline::IOGate end
# File reline/line_editor.rb, line 1168 def line() @buffer_of_lines.join("\n") unless eof? end
# File reline/line_editor.rb, line 351 def modified_lines with_cache(__method__, whole_lines, finished?) do |whole, complete| modify_lines(whole, complete) end end
# File reline/line_editor.rb, line 273 def multiline_off @is_multiline = false end
# File reline/line_editor.rb, line 269 def multiline_on @is_multiline = true end
# File reline/line_editor.rb, line 473 def print_nomultiline_prompt Reline::IOGate.disable_auto_linewrap(true) if # Readline's test `TestRelineAsReadline#test_readline` requires first output to be prompt, not cursor reset escape sequence. Reline::IOGate.write Reline::Unicode.strip_non_printing_start_end(@prompt) if @prompt && !@is_multiline ensure Reline::IOGate.disable_auto_linewrap(false) if end
# File reline/line_editor.rb, line 357 def prompt_list with_cache(__method__, whole_lines, check_mode_string, @vi_arg, @searching_prompt) do |lines, mode_string| check_multiline_prompt(lines, mode_string) end end
# File reline/line_editor.rb, line 1093 def push_input_lines if @old_buffer_of_lines == @buffer_of_lines @input_lines[@input_lines_position] = [@buffer_of_lines.dup, @byte_pointer, @line_index] else @input_lines = @input_lines[0..@input_lines_position] @input_lines_position += 1 @input_lines.push([@buffer_of_lines.dup, @byte_pointer, @line_index]) end trim_input_lines end
# File reline/line_editor.rb, line 481 def render wrapped_cursor_x, wrapped_cursor_y = wrapped_cursor_position new_lines = wrapped_prompt_and_input_lines.flatten(1)[screen_scroll_top, screen_height].map do |prompt, line| prompt_width = Reline::Unicode.calculate_width(prompt, true) [[0, prompt_width, prompt], [prompt_width, Reline::Unicode.calculate_width(line, true), line]] end if @menu_info @menu_info.lines(screen_width).each do |item| new_lines << [[0, Reline::Unicode.calculate_width(item), item]] end @menu_info = nil # TODO: do not change state here end @dialogs.each_with_index do |dialog, index| next unless dialog.contents x_range, y_range = dialog_range dialog, wrapped_cursor_y - screen_scroll_top y_range.each do |row| next if row < 0 || row >= screen_height dialog_rows = new_lines[row] ||= [] # index 0 is for prompt, index 1 is for line, index 2.. is for dialog dialog_rows[index + 2] = [x_range.begin, dialog.width, dialog.contents[row - y_range.begin]] end end Reline::IOGate.buffered_output do render_differential new_lines, wrapped_cursor_x, wrapped_cursor_y - screen_scroll_top end end
# File reline/line_editor.rb, line 461 def render_finished Reline::IOGate.buffered_output do render_differential([], 0, 0) lines = do |i| line = Reline::Unicode.strip_non_printing_start_end(prompt_list[i]) + modified_lines[i] wrapped_lines = split_line_by_width(line, screen_width) wrapped_lines.last.empty? ? "#{line} " : line end Reline::IOGate.write { |l| "#{l}\r\n" }.join end end
# File reline/line_editor.rb, line 406 def render_line_differential(old_items, new_items) old_levels = calculate_overlay_levels( {|((x, w, c), (nx, _nw, nc)), i| [x, w, c == nc && x == nx ? i : -1] if x }.compact) new_levels = calculate_overlay_levels( { |(x, w), i| [x, w, i] if x }.compact).take(screen_width) base_x = 0 { |n, o| n == o ? :skip : n || :blank }.each do |level, chunk| width = chunk.size if level == :skip # do nothing elsif level == :blank Reline::IOGate.move_cursor_column base_x Reline::IOGate.write "#{Reline::IOGate.reset_color_sequence}#{' ' * width}" else x, w, content = new_items[level] cover_begin = base_x != 0 && new_levels[base_x - 1] == level cover_end = new_levels[base_x + width] == level pos = 0 unless x == base_x && w == width content, pos = Reline::Unicode.take_mbchar_range(content, base_x - x, width, cover_begin: cover_begin, cover_end: cover_end, padding: true) end Reline::IOGate.move_cursor_column x + pos Reline::IOGate.write "#{Reline::IOGate.reset_color_sequence}#{content}#{Reline::IOGate.reset_color_sequence}" end base_x += width end if old_levels.size > new_levels.size Reline::IOGate.move_cursor_column new_levels.size Reline::IOGate.erase_after_cursor end end
# File reline/line_editor.rb, line 564 def rerender render unless @in_pasting end
# File reline/line_editor.rb, line 141 def reset(prompt = '') @screen_size = Reline::IOGate.get_screen_size reset_variables(prompt) @rendered_screen.base_y = Reline::IOGate.cursor_pos.y if ENV.key?('RELINE_ALT_SCROLLBAR') @full_block = '::' @upper_half_block = "''" @lower_half_block = '..' @block_elem_width = 2 elsif @full_block = '█' @upper_half_block = '▀' @lower_half_block = '▄' @block_elem_width = 1 elsif encoding == Encoding::UTF_8 @full_block = '█' @upper_half_block = '▀' @lower_half_block = '▄' @block_elem_width = Reline::Unicode.calculate_width('█') else @full_block = '::' @upper_half_block = "''" @lower_half_block = '..' @block_elem_width = 2 end end
# File reline/line_editor.rb, line 261 def reset_line @byte_pointer = 0 @buffer_of_lines = [ encoding)] @line_index = 0 @cache.clear @line_backup_in_history = nil end
# File reline/line_editor.rb, line 224 def reset_variables(prompt = '') @prompt = prompt.gsub("\n", "\\n") @mark_pointer = nil @is_multiline = false @finished = false @history_pointer = nil @kill_ring ||= @vi_clipboard = '' @vi_arg = nil @waiting_proc = nil @vi_waiting_operator = nil @vi_waiting_operator_arg = nil @completion_journey_state = nil @completion_state = CompletionState::NORMAL @perfect_matched = nil @menu_info = nil @searching_prompt = nil @just_cursor_moving = false @eof = false @continuous_insertion_buffer = encoding) @scroll_partial_screen = 0 @drop_terminate_spaces = false @in_pasting = false @auto_indent_proc = nil @dialogs = [] @interrupted = false @resized = false @cache = {} @rendered_screen = 0, lines: [], cursor_y: 0) @input_lines = [[[""], 0, 0]] @input_lines_position = 0 @restoring = false @prev_action_state = NullActionState @next_action_state = NullActionState reset_line end
# File reline/line_editor.rb, line 560 def rest_height(wrapped_cursor_y) screen_height - wrapped_cursor_y + screen_scroll_top - @rendered_screen.base_y - 1 end
# File reline/line_editor.rb, line 1187 def retrieve_completion_block quote_characters = Reline.completer_quote_characters before = current_line.byteslice(0, @byte_pointer).grapheme_clusters quote = nil # Calcualte closing quote when cursor is at the end of the line if current_line.bytesize == @byte_pointer && !quote_characters.empty? escaped = false before.each do |c| if escaped escaped = false next elsif c == '\\' escaped = true elsif quote quote = nil if c == quote elsif quote_characters.include?(c) quote = c end end end word_break_characters = quote_characters + Reline.completer_word_break_characters break_index = before.rindex { |c| word_break_characters.include?(c) || quote_characters.include?(c) } || -1 preposing = before.take(break_index + 1).join target = before.drop(break_index + 1).join postposing = current_line.byteslice(@byte_pointer, current_line.bytesize - @byte_pointer) lines = whole_lines if @line_index > 0 preposing = lines[0..(@line_index - 1)].join("\n") + "\n" + preposing end if (lines.size - 1) > @line_index postposing = postposing + "\n" + lines[(@line_index + 1)..-1].join("\n") end [preposing.encode(encoding), target.encode(encoding), postposing.encode(encoding), quote&.encode(encoding)] end
# File reline/line_editor.rb, line 1089 def save_old_buffer @old_buffer_of_lines = @buffer_of_lines.dup end
# File reline/line_editor.rb, line 363 def screen_height @screen_size.first end
# File reline/line_editor.rb, line 371 def screen_scroll_top @scroll_partial_screen end
# File reline/line_editor.rb, line 367 def screen_width @screen_size.last end
# File reline/line_editor.rb, line 1112 def scroll_into_view _wrapped_cursor_x, wrapped_cursor_y = wrapped_cursor_position if wrapped_cursor_y < screen_scroll_top @scroll_partial_screen = wrapped_cursor_y end if wrapped_cursor_y >= screen_scroll_top + screen_height @scroll_partial_screen = wrapped_cursor_y - screen_height + 1 end end
# File reline/line_editor.rb, line 1176 def set_current_line(line, byte_pointer = nil) cursor = current_byte_pointer_cursor @buffer_of_lines[@line_index] = line if byte_pointer @byte_pointer = byte_pointer else calculate_nearest_cursor(cursor) end process_auto_indent end
# File reline/line_editor.rb, line 88 def set_pasting_state(in_pasting) # While pasting, text to be inserted is stored to @continuous_insertion_buffer. # After pasting, this buffer should be force inserted. process_insert(force: true) if @in_pasting && !in_pasting @in_pasting = in_pasting end
# File reline/line_editor.rb, line 207 def set_signal_handlers Reline::IOGate.set_winch_handler do @resized = true end @old_trap = Signal.trap('INT') do @interrupted = true end end
# File reline/line_editor.rb, line 1105 def trim_input_lines if @input_lines.size > MAX_INPUT_LINES @input_lines.shift @input_lines_position -= 1 end end
# File reline/line_editor.rb, line 1033 def update(key) modified = input_key(key) unless @in_pasting scroll_into_view @just_cursor_moving = !modified update_dialogs(key) @just_cursor_moving = false end end
# File reline/line_editor.rb, line 453 def update_dialogs(key = nil) wrapped_cursor_x, wrapped_cursor_y = wrapped_cursor_position @dialogs.each do |dialog| dialog.trap_key = nil update_each_dialog(dialog, wrapped_cursor_x, wrapped_cursor_y - screen_scroll_top, key) end end
# File reline/line_editor.rb, line 556 def upper_space_height(wrapped_cursor_y) wrapped_cursor_y - screen_scroll_top end
# File reline/line_editor.rb, line 1290 def whole_buffer whole_lines.join("\n") end
# File reline/line_editor.rb, line 1286 def whole_lines @buffer_of_lines.dup end
# File reline/line_editor.rb, line 343 def with_cache(key, *deps) cached_deps, value = @cache[key] if cached_deps != deps @cache[key] = [deps, value = yield(*deps, cached_deps, value)] end value end
# File reline/line_editor.rb, line 948 def wrap_method_call(method_symbol, method_obj, key, with_operator = false) if @config.editing_mode_is?(:emacs, :vi_insert) and @vi_waiting_operator.nil? not_insertion = method_symbol != :ed_insert process_insert(force: not_insertion) end if @vi_arg and argumentable?(method_obj) if with_operator and inclusive?(method_obj) method_obj.(key, arg: @vi_arg, inclusive: true) else method_obj.(key, arg: @vi_arg) end else if with_operator and inclusive?(method_obj) method_obj.(key, inclusive: true) else method_obj.(key) end end end
# File reline/line_editor.rb, line 437 def wrapped_cursor_position prompt_width = calculate_width(prompt_list[@line_index], true) line_before_cursor = Reline::Unicode.escape_for_print(whole_lines[@line_index].byteslice(0, @byte_pointer)) wrapped_line_before_cursor = split_line_by_width(' ' * prompt_width + line_before_cursor, screen_width) wrapped_cursor_y = wrapped_prompt_and_input_lines[0...@line_index].sum(&:size) + wrapped_line_before_cursor.size - 1 wrapped_cursor_x = calculate_width(wrapped_line_before_cursor.last) [wrapped_cursor_x, wrapped_cursor_y] end
# File reline/line_editor.rb, line 375 def wrapped_prompt_and_input_lines with_cache(__method__, @buffer_of_lines.size, modified_lines, prompt_list, screen_width) do |n, lines, prompts, width, prev_cache_key, cached_value| prev_n, prev_lines, prev_prompts, prev_width = prev_cache_key cached_wraps = {} if prev_width == width prev_n.times do |i| cached_wraps[[prev_prompts[i], prev_lines[i]]] = cached_value[i] end end do |i| prompt = prompts[i] || '' line = lines[i] || '' if (cached = cached_wraps[[prompt, line]]) next cached end *wrapped_prompts, code_line_prompt = split_line_by_width(prompt, width) wrapped_lines = split_line_by_width(line, width, offset: calculate_width(code_line_prompt, true)) { |p| [p, ''] } + [[code_line_prompt, wrapped_lines.first]] + wrapped_lines.drop(1).map { |c| ['', c] } end end end
# File reline/line_editor.rb, line 938 def argumentable?(method_obj) method_obj and method_obj.parameters.any? { |param| param[0] == :key and param[1] == :arg } end
# File reline/line_editor.rb, line 1294 def buffer_empty? current_line.empty? and @buffer_of_lines.size == 1 end
# File reline/line_editor.rb, line 1313 def byteinsert(str, byte_pointer, other) new_str = str.byteslice(0, byte_pointer) new_str << other new_str << str.byteslice(byte_pointer, str.bytesize) new_str end
# File reline/line_editor.rb, line 1307 def byteslice!(str, byte_pointer, size) new_str = str.byteslice(0, byte_pointer) new_str << str.byteslice(byte_pointer + size, str.bytesize) [new_str, str.byteslice(byte_pointer, size)] end
# File reline/line_editor.rb, line 308 def calculate_nearest_cursor(cursor) line_to_calc = current_line new_cursor_max = calculate_width(line_to_calc) new_cursor = 0 new_byte_pointer = 0 height = 1 max_width = screen_width if @config.editing_mode_is?(:vi_command) last_byte_size = Reline::Unicode.get_prev_mbchar_size(line_to_calc, line_to_calc.bytesize) if last_byte_size > 0 last_mbchar = line_to_calc.byteslice(line_to_calc.bytesize - last_byte_size, last_byte_size) last_width = Reline::Unicode.get_mbchar_width(last_mbchar) end_of_line_cursor = new_cursor_max - last_width else end_of_line_cursor = new_cursor_max end else end_of_line_cursor = new_cursor_max end line_to_calc.grapheme_clusters.each do |gc| mbchar = gc.encode(Encoding::UTF_8) mbchar_width = Reline::Unicode.get_mbchar_width(mbchar) now = new_cursor + mbchar_width if now > end_of_line_cursor or now > cursor break end new_cursor += mbchar_width if new_cursor > max_width * height height += 1 end new_byte_pointer += gc.bytesize end @byte_pointer = new_byte_pointer end
# File reline/line_editor.rb, line 1320 def calculate_width(str, allow_escape_code = false) Reline::Unicode.calculate_width(str, allow_escape_code) end
# File reline/line_editor.rb, line 95 def check_mode_string if @config.show_mode_in_prompt if @config.editing_mode_is?(:vi_command) @config.vi_cmd_mode_string elsif @config.editing_mode_is?(:vi_insert) @config.vi_ins_mode_string elsif @config.editing_mode_is?(:emacs) @config.emacs_mode_string else '?' end end end
# File reline/line_editor.rb, line 109 def check_multiline_prompt(buffer, mode_string) if @vi_arg prompt = "(arg: #{@vi_arg}) " elsif @searching_prompt prompt = @searching_prompt else prompt = @prompt end if !@is_multiline mode_string = check_mode_string prompt = mode_string + prompt if mode_string [prompt] + [''] * (buffer.size - 1) elsif @prompt_proc prompt_list = @prompt_proc.(buffer).map { |pr| pr.gsub("\n", "\\n") }!{ prompt } if @vi_arg or @searching_prompt prompt_list = [prompt] if prompt_list.empty? prompt_list ={ |pr| mode_string + pr } if mode_string prompt = prompt_list[@line_index] prompt = prompt_list[0] if prompt.nil? prompt = prompt_list.last if prompt.nil? if buffer.size > prompt_list.size (buffer.size - prompt_list.size).times do prompt_list << prompt_list.last end end prompt_list else prompt = mode_string + prompt if mode_string [prompt] * buffer.size end end
# File reline/line_editor.rb, line 968 def cleanup_waiting @waiting_proc = nil @vi_waiting_operator = nil @vi_waiting_operator_arg = nil @searching_prompt = nil @drop_terminate_spaces = false end
# File reline/line_editor.rb, line 551 def clear_rendered_screen_cache @rendered_screen.lines = [] @rendered_screen.cursor_y = 0 end
# File reline/line_editor.rb, line 1340 def complete(_key) return if @config.disable_completion process_insert(force: true) if @config.autocompletion @completion_state = CompletionState::NORMAL @completion_occurs = move_completed_list(:down) else @completion_journey_state = nil pre, target, post, quote = retrieve_completion_block result = call_completion_proc(pre, target, post, quote) if result.is_a?(Array) @completion_occurs = true perform_completion(pre, target, post, quote, result) end end end
# File reline/line_editor.rb, line 1358 def completion_journey_move(direction) return if @config.disable_completion process_insert(force: true) @completion_state = CompletionState::NORMAL @completion_occurs = move_completed_list(direction) end
# File reline/line_editor.rb, line 1374 def completion_journey_up(_key) completion_journey_move(:up) if @config.autocompletion end
# File reline/line_editor.rb, line 1942 def copy_for_vi(text) if @config.editing_mode_is?(:vi_insert) or @config.editing_mode_is?(:vi_command) @vi_clipboard = text end end
# File reline/line_editor.rb, line 703 def dialog_range(dialog, dialog_y) x_range = dialog.column...dialog.column + dialog.width y_range = dialog_y + dialog.vertical_offset...dialog_y + dialog.vertical_offset + dialog.contents.size [x_range, y_range] end
# File reline/line_editor.rb, line 2195 def ed_argument_digit(key) # key is expected to be `ESC digit` or `digit` num = key[/\d/].to_i @vi_arg = (@vi_arg || 0) * 10 + num end
# File reline/line_editor.rb, line 1822 def ed_clear_screen(key) Reline::IOGate.clear_screen @screen_size = Reline::IOGate.get_screen_size @rendered_screen.base_y = 0 clear_rendered_screen_cache end
# File reline/line_editor.rb, line 2141 def ed_delete_next_char(key, arg: 1) byte_size = Reline::Unicode.get_next_mbchar_size(current_line, @byte_pointer) unless current_line.empty? || byte_size == 0 line, mbchar = byteslice!(current_line, @byte_pointer, byte_size) copy_for_vi(mbchar) if @byte_pointer > 0 && current_line.bytesize == @byte_pointer + byte_size byte_size = Reline::Unicode.get_prev_mbchar_size(line, @byte_pointer) set_current_line(line, @byte_pointer - byte_size) else set_current_line(line, @byte_pointer) end end arg -= 1 ed_delete_next_char(key, arg: arg) if arg > 0 end
# File reline/line_editor.rb, line 2053 def ed_delete_prev_char(key, arg: 1) deleted = +'' arg.times do if @byte_pointer > 0 byte_size = Reline::Unicode.get_prev_mbchar_size(current_line, @byte_pointer) @byte_pointer -= byte_size line, mbchar = byteslice!(current_line, @byte_pointer, byte_size) set_current_line(line) deleted.prepend(mbchar) end end copy_for_vi(deleted) end
# File reline/line_editor.rb, line 1856 def ed_delete_prev_word(key) if @byte_pointer > 0 byte_size = Reline::Unicode.em_backward_word(current_line, @byte_pointer) line, word = byteslice!(current_line, @byte_pointer - byte_size, byte_size) set_current_line(line, @byte_pointer - byte_size) @kill_ring.append(word, true) end end
- Editline
(vi 输入: 几乎所有; emacs: 可打印字符) 在插入模式下,将输入的字符插入到光标位置的左侧。在替换模式下,覆盖光标处的字符并将光标向右移动一个字符位置。接受一个参数来重复此操作。如果输入字符为 NUL 字符 (Ctrl-@
),则会出错。未能扩大编辑缓冲区也会导致错误。 - Editline
(emacs: 0 到 9) 如果处于参数输入模式,则将输入的数字附加到正在读取的参数。否则,调用ed-insert
。如果输入字符不是数字或现有参数已大于一百万,则会出错。 - GNU Readline
(a, b, A, 1, !, …) 插入自身。
# File reline/line_editor.rb, line 1401 def ed_insert(str) begin str.encode(Encoding::UTF_8) rescue Encoding::UndefinedConversionError return end if @in_pasting @continuous_insertion_buffer << str return elsif not @continuous_insertion_buffer.empty? process_insert end insert_text(str) end
- Editline
(vi 命令:D
; emacs:Ctrl-K
) + 从光标处删除到行尾。 - GNU Readline
) 删除从当前位置到行尾的文本。使用负数参数,从光标向后删除到当前行的开头。
# File reline/line_editor.rb, line 1733 def ed_kill_line(key) if current_line.bytesize > @byte_pointer line, deleted = byteslice!(current_line, @byte_pointer, current_line.bytesize - @byte_pointer) set_current_line(line, line.bytesize) @kill_ring.append(deleted) elsif @byte_pointer == current_line.bytesize and @buffer_of_lines.size > @line_index + 1 set_current_line(current_line + @buffer_of_lines.delete_at(@line_index + 1), current_line.bytesize) end end
# File reline/line_editor.rb, line 1460 def ed_move_to_beg(key) @byte_pointer = 0 end
# File reline/line_editor.rb, line 1466 def ed_move_to_end(key) @byte_pointer = current_line.bytesize end
# File reline/line_editor.rb, line 1683 def ed_newline(key) process_insert(force: true) if @is_multiline if @config.editing_mode_is?(:vi_command) if @line_index < (@buffer_of_lines.size - 1) ed_next_history(key) # means cursor down else # should check confirm_multiline_termination to finish? finish end else if @line_index == (@buffer_of_lines.size - 1) if confirm_multiline_termination finish else key_newline(key) end else # should check confirm_multiline_termination to finish? @line_index = @buffer_of_lines.size - 1 @byte_pointer = current_line.bytesize finish end end else finish end end
# File reline/line_editor.rb, line 1430 def ed_next_char(key, arg: 1) byte_size = Reline::Unicode.get_next_mbchar_size(current_line, @byte_pointer) if (@byte_pointer < current_line.bytesize) @byte_pointer += byte_size elsif @config.editing_mode_is?(:emacs) and @byte_pointer == current_line.bytesize and @line_index < @buffer_of_lines.size - 1 @byte_pointer = 0 @line_index += 1 end arg -= 1 ed_next_char(key, arg: arg) if arg > 0 end
# File reline/line_editor.rb, line 1666 def ed_next_history(key, arg: 1) if @line_index < (@buffer_of_lines.size - 1) cursor = current_byte_pointer_cursor @line_index += 1 calculate_nearest_cursor(cursor) return end move_history( (@history_pointer || Reline::HISTORY.size) + 1, line: :start, cursor: @config.editing_mode_is?(:vi_command) ? :start : :end, ) arg -= 1 ed_next_history(key, arg: arg) if arg > 0 end
# File reline/line_editor.rb, line 1443 def ed_prev_char(key, arg: 1) if @byte_pointer > 0 byte_size = Reline::Unicode.get_prev_mbchar_size(current_line, @byte_pointer) @byte_pointer -= byte_size elsif @config.editing_mode_is?(:emacs) and @byte_pointer == 0 and @line_index > 0 @line_index -= 1 @byte_pointer = current_line.bytesize end arg -= 1 ed_prev_char(key, arg: arg) if arg > 0 end
# File reline/line_editor.rb, line 1649 def ed_prev_history(key, arg: 1) if @line_index > 0 cursor = current_byte_pointer_cursor @line_index -= 1 calculate_nearest_cursor(cursor) return end move_history( (@history_pointer || Reline::HISTORY.size) - 1, line: :end, cursor: @config.editing_mode_is?(:vi_command) ? :start : :end, ) arg -= 1 ed_prev_history(key, arg: arg) if arg > 0 end
# File reline/line_editor.rb, line 1838 def ed_prev_word(key) if @byte_pointer > 0 byte_size = Reline::Unicode.em_backward_word(current_line, @byte_pointer) @byte_pointer -= byte_size end end
# File reline/line_editor.rb, line 1612 def ed_search_next_history(key, arg: 1) substr = prev_action_state_value(:search_history) == :empty ? '' : current_line.byteslice(0, @byte_pointer) return if @history_pointer.nil? history_range = @history_pointer + 1...Reline::HISTORY.size h_pointer, line_index = search_history(substr, history_range) return if h_pointer.nil? and not substr.empty? move_history(h_pointer, line: line_index || :start, cursor: substr.empty? ? :end : @byte_pointer) arg -= 1 set_next_action_state(:search_history, :empty) if substr.empty? ed_search_next_history(key, arg: arg) if arg > 0 end
# File reline/line_editor.rb, line 1597 def ed_search_prev_history(key, arg: 1) substr = prev_action_state_value(:search_history) == :empty ? '' : current_line.byteslice(0, @byte_pointer) return if @history_pointer == 0 return if @history_pointer.nil? && substr.empty? && !current_line.empty? history_range = 0...(@history_pointer || Reline::HISTORY.size) h_pointer, line_index = search_history(substr, history_range.reverse_each) return unless h_pointer move_history(h_pointer, line: line_index || :start, cursor: substr.empty? ? :end : @byte_pointer) arg -= 1 set_next_action_state(:search_history, :empty) if substr.empty? ed_search_prev_history(key, arg: arg) if arg > 0 end
# File reline/line_editor.rb, line 1866 def ed_transpose_chars(key) if @byte_pointer > 0 if @byte_pointer < current_line.bytesize byte_size = Reline::Unicode.get_next_mbchar_size(current_line, @byte_pointer) @byte_pointer += byte_size end back1_byte_size = Reline::Unicode.get_prev_mbchar_size(current_line, @byte_pointer) if (@byte_pointer - back1_byte_size) > 0 back2_byte_size = Reline::Unicode.get_prev_mbchar_size(current_line, @byte_pointer - back1_byte_size) back2_pointer = @byte_pointer - back1_byte_size - back2_byte_size line, back2_mbchar = byteslice!(current_line, back2_pointer, back2_byte_size) set_current_line(byteinsert(line, @byte_pointer - back2_byte_size, back2_mbchar)) end end end
# File reline/line_editor.rb, line 1883 def ed_transpose_words(key) left_word_start, middle_start, right_word_start, after_start = Reline::Unicode.ed_transpose_words(current_line, @byte_pointer) before = current_line.byteslice(0, left_word_start) left_word = current_line.byteslice(left_word_start, middle_start - left_word_start) middle = current_line.byteslice(middle_start, right_word_start - middle_start) right_word = current_line.byteslice(right_word_start, after_start - right_word_start) after = current_line.byteslice(after_start, current_line.bytesize - after_start) return if left_word.empty? or right_word.empty? from_head_to_left_word = before + right_word + middle + left_word set_current_line(from_head_to_left_word + after, from_head_to_left_word.bytesize) end
- Editline
此编辑器命令总是导致错误。 - GNU Readline
# File reline/line_editor.rb, line 1380 def ed_unassigned(key) end
# File reline/line_editor.rb, line 1896 def em_capitol_case(key) if current_line.bytesize > @byte_pointer byte_size, new_str = Reline::Unicode.em_forward_word_with_capitalization(current_line, @byte_pointer) before = current_line.byteslice(0, @byte_pointer) after = current_line.byteslice((@byte_pointer + byte_size)..-1) set_current_line(before + new_str + after, @byte_pointer + new_str.bytesize) end end
# File reline/line_editor.rb, line 1777 def em_delete(key) if buffer_empty? and key == "\C-d" @eof = true finish elsif @byte_pointer < current_line.bytesize splitted_last = current_line.byteslice(@byte_pointer, current_line.bytesize) mbchar = splitted_last.grapheme_clusters.first line, = byteslice!(current_line, @byte_pointer, mbchar.bytesize) set_current_line(line) elsif @byte_pointer == current_line.bytesize and @buffer_of_lines.size > @line_index + 1 set_current_line(current_line + @buffer_of_lines.delete_at(@line_index + 1), current_line.bytesize) end end
# File reline/line_editor.rb, line 1846 def em_delete_next_word(key) if current_line.bytesize > @byte_pointer byte_size = Reline::Unicode.em_forward_word(current_line, @byte_pointer) line, word = byteslice!(current_line, @byte_pointer, byte_size) set_current_line(line) @kill_ring.append(word) end end
# File reline/line_editor.rb, line 1792 def em_delete_or_list(key) if current_line.empty? or @byte_pointer < current_line.bytesize em_delete(key) elsif !@config.autocompletion # show completed list pre, target, post, quote = retrieve_completion_block result = call_completion_proc(pre, target, post, quote) if result.is_a?(Array) candidates = filter_normalize_candidates(target, result) menu(candidates) end end end
# File reline/line_editor.rb, line 1712 def em_delete_prev_char(key, arg: 1) arg.times do if @byte_pointer == 0 and @line_index > 0 @byte_pointer = @buffer_of_lines[@line_index - 1].bytesize @buffer_of_lines[@line_index - 1] += @buffer_of_lines.delete_at(@line_index) @line_index -= 1 elsif @byte_pointer > 0 byte_size = Reline::Unicode.get_prev_mbchar_size(current_line, @byte_pointer) line, = byteslice!(current_line, @byte_pointer - byte_size, byte_size) set_current_line(line, @byte_pointer - byte_size) end end process_auto_indent end
# File reline/line_editor.rb, line 2336 def em_exchange_mark(key) return unless @mark_pointer new_pointer = [@byte_pointer, @line_index] @byte_pointer, @line_index = @mark_pointer @mark_pointer = new_pointer end
- Editline
(未绑定) 删除编辑缓冲区的所有内容并将其保存到剪切缓冲区。vi-kill-line-prev
- GNU Readline
(未绑定) 删除当前行上的所有字符,无论光标在哪里。
# File reline/line_editor.rb, line 1769 def em_kill_line(key) if current_line.size > 0 @kill_ring.append(current_line.dup, true) set_current_line('', 0) end end
# File reline/line_editor.rb, line 1932 def em_kill_region(key) if @byte_pointer > 0 byte_size = Reline::Unicode.em_big_backward_word(current_line, @byte_pointer) line, deleted = byteslice!(current_line, @byte_pointer - byte_size, byte_size) set_current_line(line, @byte_pointer - byte_size) @kill_ring.append(deleted, true) end end
# File reline/line_editor.rb, line 1906 def em_lower_case(key) if current_line.bytesize > @byte_pointer byte_size = Reline::Unicode.em_forward_word(current_line, @byte_pointer) part = current_line.byteslice(@byte_pointer, byte_size) { |mbchar| mbchar =~ /[A-Z]/ ? mbchar.downcase : mbchar }.join rest = current_line.byteslice((@byte_pointer + byte_size)..-1) line = current_line.byteslice(0, @byte_pointer) + part set_current_line(line + rest, line.bytesize) end end
# File reline/line_editor.rb, line 1830 def em_next_word(key) if current_line.bytesize > @byte_pointer byte_size = Reline::Unicode.em_forward_word(current_line, @byte_pointer) @byte_pointer += byte_size end end
# File reline/line_editor.rb, line 2331 def em_set_mark(key) @mark_pointer = [@byte_pointer, @line_index] end
# File reline/line_editor.rb, line 1919 def em_upper_case(key) if current_line.bytesize > @byte_pointer byte_size = Reline::Unicode.em_forward_word(current_line, @byte_pointer) part = current_line.byteslice(@byte_pointer, byte_size) { |mbchar| mbchar =~ /[a-z]/ ? mbchar.upcase : mbchar }.join rest = current_line.byteslice((@byte_pointer + byte_size)..-1) line = current_line.byteslice(0, @byte_pointer) + part set_current_line(line + rest, line.bytesize) end end
# File reline/line_editor.rb, line 1806 def em_yank(key) yanked = @kill_ring.yank insert_text(yanked) if yanked end
# File reline/line_editor.rb, line 1812 def em_yank_pop(key) yanked, prev_yank = @kill_ring.yank_pop if yanked line, = byteslice!(current_line, @byte_pointer - prev_yank.bytesize, prev_yank.bytesize) set_current_line(line, @byte_pointer - prev_yank.bytesize) insert_text(yanked) end end
# File reline/line_editor.rb, line 2344 def emacs_editing_mode(key) @config.editing_mode = :emacs end
# File reline/line_editor.rb, line 809 def filter_normalize_candidates(target, list) target = target.downcase if @config.completion_ignore_case do |item| next unless item unless Encoding.compatible?(target.encoding, item.encoding) # Workaround for Readline test if defined?(::Readline) && ::Readline == ::Reline raise Encoding::CompatibilityError, "incompatible character encodings: #{target.encoding} and #{item.encoding}" end end if @config.completion_ignore_case item.downcase.start_with?(target) else item.start_with?(target) end do |item| item.unicode_normalize rescue Encoding::CompatibilityError item end.uniq end
# File reline/line_editor.rb, line 1471 def generate_searcher(search_key) search_word = encoding) hit_pointer = nil lambda do |key| search_again = false case key when "\C-h", "\C-?" grapheme_clusters = search_word.grapheme_clusters if grapheme_clusters.size > 0 grapheme_clusters.pop search_word = grapheme_clusters.join end when "\C-r", "\C-s" search_again = true if search_key == key search_key = key else search_word << key end hit = nil if not search_word.empty? and @line_backup_in_history&.include?(search_word) hit_pointer = Reline::HISTORY.size hit = @line_backup_in_history else if search_again if search_word.empty? and Reline.last_incremental_search search_word = Reline.last_incremental_search end if @history_pointer case search_key when "\C-r" history_pointer_base = 0 history = Reline::HISTORY[0..(@history_pointer - 1)] when "\C-s" history_pointer_base = @history_pointer + 1 history = Reline::HISTORY[(@history_pointer + 1)..-1] end else history_pointer_base = 0 history = Reline::HISTORY end elsif @history_pointer case search_key when "\C-r" history_pointer_base = 0 history = Reline::HISTORY[0..@history_pointer] when "\C-s" history_pointer_base = @history_pointer history = Reline::HISTORY[@history_pointer..-1] end else history_pointer_base = 0 history = Reline::HISTORY end case search_key when "\C-r" hit_index = history.rindex { |item| item.include?(search_word) } when "\C-s" hit_index = history.index { |item| item.include?(search_word) } end if hit_index hit_pointer = history_pointer_base + hit_index hit = Reline::HISTORY[hit_pointer] end end case search_key when "\C-r" prompt_name = 'reverse-i-search' when "\C-s" prompt_name = 'i-search' end prompt_name = "failed #{prompt_name}" unless hit [search_word, prompt_name, hit_pointer] end end
# File reline/line_editor.rb, line 185 def handle_interrupted return unless @interrupted @interrupted = false clear_dialogs render cursor_to_bottom_offset = @rendered_screen.lines.size - @rendered_screen.cursor_y Reline::IOGate.scroll_down cursor_to_bottom_offset Reline::IOGate.move_cursor_column 0 clear_rendered_screen_cache case @old_trap when 'DEFAULT', 'SYSTEM_DEFAULT' raise Interrupt when 'IGNORE' # Do nothing when 'EXIT' exit else if @old_trap.respond_to?(:call) end end
# File reline/line_editor.rb, line 173 def handle_resized return unless @resized @screen_size = Reline::IOGate.get_screen_size @resized = false scroll_into_view Reline::IOGate.move_cursor_up @rendered_screen.cursor_y @rendered_screen.base_y = Reline::IOGate.cursor_pos.y clear_rendered_screen_cache render end
# File reline/line_editor.rb, line 942 def inclusive?(method_obj) # If a motion method with the keyword argument "inclusive" follows the # operator, it must contain the character at the cursor position. method_obj and method_obj.parameters.any? { |param| param[0] == :key and param[1] == :inclusive } end
# File reline/line_editor.rb, line 1550 def incremental_search_history(key) backup = @buffer_of_lines.dup, @line_index, @byte_pointer, @history_pointer, @line_backup_in_history searcher = generate_searcher(key) @searching_prompt = "(reverse-i-search)`': " termination_keys = ["\C-j"] termination_keys.concat(@config.isearch_terminators.chars) if @config.isearch_terminators @waiting_proc = ->(k) { if k == "\C-g" # cancel search and restore buffer @buffer_of_lines, @line_index, @byte_pointer, @history_pointer, @line_backup_in_history = backup @searching_prompt = nil @waiting_proc = nil elsif !termination_keys.include?(k) && (k.match?(/[[:print:]]/) || k == "\C-h" || k == "\C-?" || k == "\C-r" || k == "\C-s") search_word, prompt_name, hit_pointer = Reline.last_incremental_search = search_word @searching_prompt = "(%s)`%s'" % [prompt_name, search_word] @searching_prompt += ': ' unless @is_multiline move_history(hit_pointer, line: :end, cursor: :end) if hit_pointer else # terminaton_keys and other keys will terminalte move_history(@history_pointer, line: :end, cursor: :start) @searching_prompt = nil @waiting_proc = nil end } end
# File reline/line_editor.rb, line 277 def insert_new_line(cursor_line, next_line) @buffer_of_lines.insert(@line_index + 1,, encoding: encoding)) @buffer_of_lines[@line_index] = cursor_line @line_index += 1 @byte_pointer = 0 if @auto_indent_proc && !@in_pasting if next_line.empty? ( # For compatibility, use this calculation instead of just `process_auto_indent @line_index - 1, cursor_dependent: false` indent1 = @auto_indent_proc.(@buffer_of_lines.take(@line_index - 1).push(''), @line_index - 1, 0, true) indent2 = @auto_indent_proc.(@buffer_of_lines.take(@line_index), @line_index - 1, @buffer_of_lines[@line_index - 1].bytesize, false) indent = indent2 || indent1 @buffer_of_lines[@line_index - 1] = ' ' * indent + @buffer_of_lines[@line_index - 1].gsub(/\A\s*/, '') ) process_auto_indent @line_index, add_newline: true else process_auto_indent @line_index - 1, cursor_dependent: false process_auto_indent @line_index, add_newline: true # Need for compatibility process_auto_indent @line_index, cursor_dependent: false end end end
# File reline/line_editor.rb, line 1419 def insert_raw_char(str, arg: 1) arg.times do if str == "\C-j" or str == "\C-m" key_newline(str) elsif str != "\0" # Ignore NUL. ed_insert(str) end end end
# File reline/line_editor.rb, line 1324 def key_delete(key) if @config.editing_mode_is?(:vi_insert) ed_delete_next_char(key) elsif @config.editing_mode_is?(:emacs) em_delete(key) end end
# File reline/line_editor.rb, line 1332 def key_newline(key) if @is_multiline next_line = current_line.byteslice(@byte_pointer, current_line.bytesize - @byte_pointer) cursor_line = current_line.byteslice(0, @byte_pointer) insert_new_line(cursor_line, next_line) end end
# File reline/line_editor.rb, line 793 def modify_lines(before, complete) if after = @output_modifier_proc&.call("#{before.join("\n")}\n", complete: complete) after.lines("\n").map { |l| l.chomp('') } else { |l| Reline::Unicode.escape_for_print(l) } end end
# File reline/line_editor.rb, line 887 def move_completed_list(direction) @completion_journey_state ||= retrieve_completion_journey_state return false unless @completion_journey_state if (delta = { up: -1, down: +1 }[direction]) @completion_journey_state.pointer = (@completion_journey_state.pointer + delta) % @completion_journey_state.list.size end completed = @completion_journey_state.list[@completion_journey_state.pointer] set_current_line(@completion_journey_state.pre + completed +, @completion_journey_state.pre.bytesize + completed.bytesize) true end
# File reline/line_editor.rb, line 1627 def move_history(history_pointer, line:, cursor:) history_pointer ||= Reline::HISTORY.size return if history_pointer < 0 || history_pointer > Reline::HISTORY.size old_history_pointer = @history_pointer || Reline::HISTORY.size if old_history_pointer == Reline::HISTORY.size @line_backup_in_history = whole_buffer else Reline::HISTORY[old_history_pointer] = whole_buffer end if history_pointer == Reline::HISTORY.size buf = @line_backup_in_history @history_pointer = @line_backup_in_history = nil else buf = Reline::HISTORY[history_pointer] @history_pointer = history_pointer end @buffer_of_lines = buf.split("\n") @buffer_of_lines = [ encoding)] if @buffer_of_lines.empty? @line_index = line == :start ? 0 : line == :end ? @buffer_of_lines.size - 1 : line @byte_pointer = cursor == :start ? 0 : cursor == :end ? current_line.bytesize : cursor end
# File reline/line_editor.rb, line 2352 def move_undo_redo(direction) @restoring = true return unless (0..@input_lines.size - 1).cover?(@input_lines_position + direction) @input_lines_position += direction buffer_of_lines, byte_pointer, line_index = @input_lines[@input_lines_position] @buffer_of_lines = buffer_of_lines.dup @line_index = line_index @byte_pointer = byte_pointer end
# File reline/line_editor.rb, line 832 def perform_completion(preposing, target, postposing, quote, list) candidates = filter_normalize_candidates(target, list) case @completion_state when CompletionState::PERFECT_MATCH if @dig_perfect_match_proc return end when CompletionState::MENU menu(candidates) return when CompletionState::MENU_WITH_PERFECT_MATCH menu(candidates) @completion_state = CompletionState::PERFECT_MATCH return end completed = Reline::Unicode.common_prefix(candidates, ignore_case: @config.completion_ignore_case) return if completed.empty? append_character = '' if candidates.include?(completed) if append_character = quote || completion_append_character.to_s @completion_state = CompletionState::PERFECT_MATCH elsif @config.show_all_if_ambiguous menu(candidates) @completion_state = CompletionState::PERFECT_MATCH else @completion_state = CompletionState::MENU_WITH_PERFECT_MATCH end @perfect_matched = completed else @completion_state = CompletionState::MENU menu(candidates) if @config.show_all_if_ambiguous end @buffer_of_lines[@line_index] = (preposing + completed + append_character + postposing).split("\n")[@line_index] || encoding) line_to_pointer = (preposing + completed + append_character).split("\n")[@line_index] || encoding) @byte_pointer = line_to_pointer.bytesize end
# File reline/line_editor.rb, line 2371 def prev_action_state_value(type) @prev_action_state[0] == type ? @prev_action_state[1] : nil end
# File reline/line_editor.rb, line 1151 def process_auto_indent(line_index = @line_index, cursor_dependent: true, add_newline: false) return if @in_pasting return unless @auto_indent_proc line = @buffer_of_lines[line_index] byte_pointer = cursor_dependent && @line_index == line_index ? @byte_pointer : line.bytesize new_indent = @auto_indent_proc.(@buffer_of_lines.take(line_index + 1).push(''), line_index, byte_pointer, add_newline) return unless new_indent new_line = ' ' * new_indent + line.lstrip @buffer_of_lines[line_index] = new_line if @line_index == line_index indent_diff = new_line.bytesize - line.bytesize @byte_pointer = [@byte_pointer + indent_diff, 0].max end end
# File reline/line_editor.rb, line 1382 def process_insert(force: false) return if @continuous_insertion_buffer.empty? or (@in_pasting and not force) insert_text(@continuous_insertion_buffer) @continuous_insertion_buffer.clear end
# File reline/line_editor.rb, line 979 def process_key(key, method_symbol) if @waiting_proc cleanup_waiting unless key.size == 1 end if @vi_waiting_operator cleanup_waiting unless VI_WAITING_ACCEPT_METHODS.include?(method_symbol) || VI_MOTIONS.include?(method_symbol) end if @waiting_proc old_byte_pointer = @byte_pointer if @vi_waiting_operator byte_pointer_diff = @byte_pointer - old_byte_pointer @byte_pointer = old_byte_pointer method_obj = method(@vi_waiting_operator) wrap_method_call(@vi_waiting_operator, method_obj, byte_pointer_diff) cleanup_waiting end @kill_ring.process return end # Reject multibyte input (converted to ed_insert) in vi_command mode return if method_symbol == :ed_insert && @config.editing_mode_is?(:vi_command) if method_symbol and respond_to?(method_symbol, true) method_obj = method(method_symbol) end if @vi_arg if ARGUMENT_DIGIT_METHODS.include?(method_symbol) ed_argument_digit(key) else if argumentable?(method_obj) run_for_operators(key, method_symbol) do |with_operator| wrap_method_call(method_symbol, method_obj, key, with_operator) end elsif method_obj wrap_method_call(method_symbol, method_obj, key) end @kill_ring.process @vi_arg = nil end elsif method_obj if method_symbol == :ed_argument_digit wrap_method_call(method_symbol, method_obj, key) else run_for_operators(key, method_symbol) do |with_operator| wrap_method_call(method_symbol, method_obj, key, with_operator) end end @kill_ring.process end end
# File reline/line_editor.rb, line 2379 def re_read_init_file(_key) @config.reload end
# File reline/line_editor.rb, line 2367 def redo(_key) move_undo_redo(+1) end
# File reline/line_editor.rb, line 515 def render_differential(new_lines, new_cursor_x, new_cursor_y) Reline::IOGate.disable_auto_linewrap(true) if rendered_lines = @rendered_screen.lines cursor_y = @rendered_screen.cursor_y if new_lines != rendered_lines # Hide cursor while rendering to avoid cursor flickering. Reline::IOGate.hide_cursor num_lines = [[new_lines.size, rendered_lines.size].max, screen_height].min if @rendered_screen.base_y + num_lines > screen_height Reline::IOGate.scroll_down(num_lines - cursor_y - 1) @rendered_screen.base_y = screen_height - num_lines cursor_y = num_lines - 1 end num_lines.times do |i| rendered_line = rendered_lines[i] || [] line_to_render = new_lines[i] || [] next if rendered_line == line_to_render Reline::IOGate.move_cursor_down i - cursor_y cursor_y = i unless rendered_lines[i] Reline::IOGate.move_cursor_column 0 Reline::IOGate.erase_after_cursor end render_line_differential(rendered_line, line_to_render) end @rendered_screen.lines = new_lines Reline::IOGate.show_cursor end Reline::IOGate.move_cursor_column new_cursor_x Reline::IOGate.move_cursor_down new_cursor_y - cursor_y @rendered_screen.cursor_y = new_cursor_y ensure Reline::IOGate.disable_auto_linewrap(false) if end
# File reline/line_editor.rb, line 899 def retrieve_completion_journey_state preposing, target, postposing, quote = retrieve_completion_block list = call_completion_proc(preposing, target, postposing, quote) return unless list.is_a?(Array) candidates ={ |item| item.start_with?(target) } return if candidates.empty? pre = preposing.split("\n", -1).last || '' post = postposing.split("\n", -1).first || '' @line_index, pre, target, post, [target] + candidates, 0 ) end
# File reline/line_editor.rb, line 914 def run_for_operators(key, method_symbol, &block) if @vi_waiting_operator if VI_MOTIONS.include?(method_symbol) old_byte_pointer = @byte_pointer @vi_arg = (@vi_arg || 1) * @vi_waiting_operator_arg block.(true) unless @waiting_proc byte_pointer_diff = @byte_pointer - old_byte_pointer @byte_pointer = old_byte_pointer method_obj = method(@vi_waiting_operator) wrap_method_call(@vi_waiting_operator, method_obj, byte_pointer_diff) cleanup_waiting end else # Ignores operator when not motion is given. block.(false) cleanup_waiting end @vi_arg = nil else block.(false) end end
# File reline/line_editor.rb, line 1587 def search_history(prefix, pointer_range) pointer_range.each do |pointer| lines = Reline::HISTORY[pointer].split("\n") lines.each_with_index do |line, index| return [pointer, index] if line.start_with?(prefix) end end nil end
# File reline/line_editor.rb, line 2242 def search_next_char(key, arg, need_prev_char: false, inclusive: false) prev_total = nil total = nil found = false current_line.byteslice(@byte_pointer..-1).grapheme_clusters.each do |mbchar| # total has [byte_size, cursor] unless total # skip cursor point width = Reline::Unicode.get_mbchar_width(mbchar) total = [mbchar.bytesize, width] else if key == mbchar arg -= 1 if found = true break end end width = Reline::Unicode.get_mbchar_width(mbchar) prev_total = total total = [total.first + mbchar.bytesize, total.last + width] end end if not need_prev_char and found and total byte_size, _ = total @byte_pointer += byte_size elsif need_prev_char and found and prev_total byte_size, _ = prev_total @byte_pointer += byte_size end if inclusive byte_size = Reline::Unicode.get_next_mbchar_size(current_line, @byte_pointer) if byte_size > 0 @byte_pointer += byte_size end end @waiting_proc = nil end
# File reline/line_editor.rb, line 2289 def search_prev_char(key, arg, need_next_char = false) prev_total = nil total = nil found = false current_line.byteslice(0..@byte_pointer).grapheme_clusters.reverse_each do |mbchar| # total has [byte_size, cursor] unless total # skip cursor point width = Reline::Unicode.get_mbchar_width(mbchar) total = [mbchar.bytesize, width] else if key == mbchar arg -= 1 if found = true break end end width = Reline::Unicode.get_mbchar_width(mbchar) prev_total = total total = [total.first + mbchar.bytesize, total.last + width] end end if not need_next_char and found and total byte_size, _ = total @byte_pointer -= byte_size elsif need_next_char and found and prev_total byte_size, _ = prev_total @byte_pointer -= byte_size end @waiting_proc = nil end
# File reline/line_editor.rb, line 2375 def set_next_action_state(type, value) @next_action_state = [type, value] end
# File reline/line_editor.rb, line 300 def split_line_by_width(str, max_width, offset: 0) Reline::Unicode.split_line_by_width(str, max_width, encoding, offset: offset) end
# File reline/line_editor.rb, line 2363 def undo(_key) move_undo_redo(-1) end
# File reline/line_editor.rb, line 709 def update_each_dialog(dialog, cursor_column, cursor_row, key = nil) dialog.set_cursor_pos(cursor_column, cursor_row) dialog_render_info = if dialog_render_info.nil? or dialog_render_info.contents.nil? or dialog_render_info.contents.empty? dialog.contents = nil dialog.trap_key = nil return end contents = dialog_render_info.contents pointer = dialog.pointer if dialog_render_info.width dialog.width = dialog_render_info.width else dialog.width = { |l| calculate_width(l, true) }.max end height = dialog_render_info.height || DIALOG_DEFAULT_HEIGHT height = contents.size if contents.size < height if contents.size > height if dialog.pointer if dialog.pointer < 0 dialog.scroll_top = 0 elsif (dialog.pointer - dialog.scroll_top) >= (height - 1) dialog.scroll_top = dialog.pointer - (height - 1) elsif (dialog.pointer - dialog.scroll_top) < 0 dialog.scroll_top = dialog.pointer end pointer = dialog.pointer - dialog.scroll_top else dialog.scroll_top = 0 end contents = contents[dialog.scroll_top, height] end if dialog_render_info.scrollbar and dialog_render_info.contents.size > height bar_max_height = height * 2 moving_distance = (dialog_render_info.contents.size - height) * 2 position_ratio = ? 0.0 : ((dialog.scroll_top * 2).to_f / moving_distance) bar_height = (bar_max_height * ((contents.size * 2).to_f / (dialog_render_info.contents.size * 2))).floor.to_i bar_height = MINIMUM_SCROLLBAR_HEIGHT if bar_height < MINIMUM_SCROLLBAR_HEIGHT scrollbar_pos = ((bar_max_height - bar_height) * position_ratio).floor.to_i else scrollbar_pos = nil end dialog.column = dialog_render_info.pos.x dialog.width += @block_elem_width if scrollbar_pos diff = (dialog.column + dialog.width) - screen_width if diff > 0 dialog.column -= diff end if rest_height(screen_scroll_top + cursor_row) - dialog_render_info.pos.y >= height dialog.vertical_offset = dialog_render_info.pos.y + 1 elsif cursor_row >= height dialog.vertical_offset = dialog_render_info.pos.y - height else dialog.vertical_offset = dialog_render_info.pos.y + 1 end if dialog.column < 0 dialog.column = 0 dialog.width = screen_width end face = Reline::Face[dialog_render_info.face || :default] scrollbar_sgr = face[:scrollbar] default_sgr = face[:default] enhanced_sgr = face[:enhanced] dialog.contents = do |item, i| line_sgr = i == pointer ? enhanced_sgr : default_sgr str_width = dialog.width - (scrollbar_pos.nil? ? 0 : @block_elem_width) str, = Reline::Unicode.take_mbchar_range(item, 0, str_width, padding: true) colored_content = "#{line_sgr}#{str}" if scrollbar_pos if scrollbar_pos <= (i * 2) and (i * 2 + 1) < (scrollbar_pos + bar_height) colored_content + scrollbar_sgr + @full_block elsif scrollbar_pos <= (i * 2) and (i * 2) < (scrollbar_pos + bar_height) colored_content + scrollbar_sgr + @upper_half_block elsif scrollbar_pos <= (i * 2 + 1) and (i * 2) < (scrollbar_pos + bar_height) colored_content + scrollbar_sgr + @lower_half_block else colored_content + scrollbar_sgr + ' ' * @block_elem_width end else colored_content end end end
# File reline/line_editor.rb, line 1952 def vi_add(key) @config.editing_mode = :vi_insert ed_next_char(key) end
# File reline/line_editor.rb, line 2048 def vi_add_at_eol(key) ed_move_to_end(key) @config.editing_mode = :vi_insert end
# File reline/line_editor.rb, line 2067 def vi_change_meta(key, arg: nil) if @vi_waiting_operator set_current_line('', 0) if @vi_waiting_operator == :vi_change_meta_confirm && arg.nil? @vi_waiting_operator = nil @vi_waiting_operator_arg = nil else @drop_terminate_spaces = true @vi_waiting_operator = :vi_change_meta_confirm @vi_waiting_operator_arg = arg || 1 end end
# File reline/line_editor.rb, line 2079 def vi_change_meta_confirm(byte_pointer_diff) vi_delete_meta_confirm(byte_pointer_diff) @config.editing_mode = :vi_insert @drop_terminate_spaces = false end
- Editline
(vi 命令:C
) + 从光标处删除并更改到行尾。
# File reline/line_editor.rb, line 1745 def vi_change_to_eol(key) ed_kill_line(key) @config.editing_mode = :vi_insert end
# File reline/line_editor.rb, line 1957 def vi_command_mode(key) ed_prev_char(key) @config.editing_mode = :vi_command end
# File reline/line_editor.rb, line 2085 def vi_delete_meta(key, arg: nil) if @vi_waiting_operator set_current_line('', 0) if @vi_waiting_operator == :vi_delete_meta_confirm && arg.nil? @vi_waiting_operator = nil @vi_waiting_operator_arg = nil else @vi_waiting_operator = :vi_delete_meta_confirm @vi_waiting_operator_arg = arg || 1 end end
# File reline/line_editor.rb, line 2096 def vi_delete_meta_confirm(byte_pointer_diff) if byte_pointer_diff > 0 line, cut = byteslice!(current_line, @byte_pointer, byte_pointer_diff) elsif byte_pointer_diff < 0 line, cut = byteslice!(current_line, @byte_pointer + byte_pointer_diff, -byte_pointer_diff) else return end copy_for_vi(cut) set_current_line(line, @byte_pointer + (byte_pointer_diff < 0 ? byte_pointer_diff : 0)) end
# File reline/line_editor.rb, line 2029 def vi_delete_prev_char(key) if @byte_pointer == 0 and @line_index > 0 @byte_pointer = @buffer_of_lines[@line_index - 1].bytesize @buffer_of_lines[@line_index - 1] += @buffer_of_lines.delete_at(@line_index) @line_index -= 1 process_auto_indent cursor_dependent: false elsif @byte_pointer > 0 byte_size = Reline::Unicode.get_prev_mbchar_size(current_line, @byte_pointer) @byte_pointer -= byte_size line, _ = byteslice!(current_line, @byte_pointer, byte_size) set_current_line(line) end end
# File reline/line_editor.rb, line 2348 def vi_editing_mode(key) @config.editing_mode = :vi_insert end
# File reline/line_editor.rb, line 2014 def vi_end_big_word(key, arg: 1, inclusive: false) if current_line.bytesize > @byte_pointer byte_size = Reline::Unicode.vi_big_forward_end_word(current_line, @byte_pointer) @byte_pointer += byte_size end arg -= 1 if inclusive and byte_size = Reline::Unicode.get_next_mbchar_size(current_line, @byte_pointer) if byte_size > 0 @byte_pointer += byte_size end end vi_end_big_word(key, arg: arg) if arg > 0 end
# File reline/line_editor.rb, line 1981 def vi_end_word(key, arg: 1, inclusive: false) if current_line.bytesize > @byte_pointer byte_size = Reline::Unicode.vi_forward_end_word(current_line, @byte_pointer) @byte_pointer += byte_size end arg -= 1 if inclusive and byte_size = Reline::Unicode.get_next_mbchar_size(current_line, @byte_pointer) if byte_size > 0 @byte_pointer += byte_size end end vi_end_word(key, arg: arg) if arg > 0 end
# File reline/line_editor.rb, line 1456 def vi_first_print(key) @byte_pointer = Reline::Unicode.vi_first_print(current_line) end
# File reline/line_editor.rb, line 2164 def vi_histedit(key) path = { |fp| fp.write whole_lines.join("\n") fp.path } system("#{ENV['EDITOR']} #{path}") @buffer_of_lines ="\n") @buffer_of_lines = [ encoding)] if @buffer_of_lines.empty? @line_index = 0 finish end
# File reline/line_editor.rb, line 1948 def vi_insert(key) @config.editing_mode = :vi_insert end
# File reline/line_editor.rb, line 2043 def vi_insert_at_bol(key) ed_move_to_beg(key) @config.editing_mode = :vi_insert end
# File reline/line_editor.rb, line 2322 def vi_join_lines(key, arg: 1) if @buffer_of_lines.size > @line_index + 1 next_line = @buffer_of_lines.delete_at(@line_index + 1).lstrip set_current_line(current_line + ' ' + next_line, current_line.bytesize) end arg -= 1 vi_join_lines(key, arg: arg) if arg > 0 end
- Editline
) 删除从编辑缓冲区的开头到光标的字符串,并将其保存到剪切缓冲区。 - GNU Readline
) 从光标处向后删除到当前行的开头。
# File reline/line_editor.rb, line 1756 def vi_kill_line_prev(key) if @byte_pointer > 0 line, deleted = byteslice!(current_line, 0, @byte_pointer) set_current_line(line, 0) @kill_ring.append(deleted, true) end end
# File reline/line_editor.rb, line 2130 def vi_list_or_eof(key) if buffer_empty? @eof = true finish else ed_newline(key) end end
# File reline/line_editor.rb, line 1996 def vi_next_big_word(key, arg: 1) if current_line.bytesize > @byte_pointer byte_size = Reline::Unicode.vi_big_forward_word(current_line, @byte_pointer) @byte_pointer += byte_size end arg -= 1 vi_next_big_word(key, arg: arg) if arg > 0 end
# File reline/line_editor.rb, line 2234 def vi_next_char(key, arg: 1, inclusive: false) @waiting_proc = ->(key_for_proc) { search_next_char(key_for_proc, arg, inclusive: inclusive) } end
# File reline/line_editor.rb, line 1963 def vi_next_word(key, arg: 1) if current_line.bytesize > @byte_pointer byte_size = Reline::Unicode.vi_forward_word(current_line, @byte_pointer, @drop_terminate_spaces) @byte_pointer += byte_size end arg -= 1 vi_next_word(key, arg: arg) if arg > 0 end
# File reline/line_editor.rb, line 2185 def vi_paste_next(key, arg: 1) if @vi_clipboard.size > 0 byte_size = Reline::Unicode.get_next_mbchar_size(current_line, @byte_pointer) line = byteinsert(current_line, @byte_pointer + byte_size, @vi_clipboard) set_current_line(line, @byte_pointer + @vi_clipboard.bytesize) end arg -= 1 vi_paste_next(key, arg: arg) if arg > 0 end
# File reline/line_editor.rb, line 2176 def vi_paste_prev(key, arg: 1) if @vi_clipboard.size > 0 cursor_point = @vi_clipboard.grapheme_clusters[0..-2].join set_current_line(byteinsert(current_line, @byte_pointer, @vi_clipboard), @byte_pointer + cursor_point.bytesize) end arg -= 1 vi_paste_prev(key, arg: arg) if arg > 0 end
# File reline/line_editor.rb, line 2005 def vi_prev_big_word(key, arg: 1) if @byte_pointer > 0 byte_size = Reline::Unicode.vi_big_backward_word(current_line, @byte_pointer) @byte_pointer -= byte_size end arg -= 1 vi_prev_big_word(key, arg: arg) if arg > 0 end
# File reline/line_editor.rb, line 2281 def vi_prev_char(key, arg: 1) @waiting_proc = ->(key_for_proc) { search_prev_char(key_for_proc, arg) } end
# File reline/line_editor.rb, line 1972 def vi_prev_word(key, arg: 1) if @byte_pointer > 0 byte_size = Reline::Unicode.vi_backward_word(current_line, @byte_pointer) @byte_pointer -= byte_size end arg -= 1 vi_prev_word(key, arg: arg) if arg > 0 end
# File reline/line_editor.rb, line 2210 def vi_replace_char(key, arg: 1) @waiting_proc = ->(k) { if arg == 1 byte_size = Reline::Unicode.get_next_mbchar_size(current_line, @byte_pointer) before = current_line.byteslice(0, @byte_pointer) remaining_point = @byte_pointer + byte_size after = current_line.byteslice(remaining_point, current_line.bytesize - remaining_point) set_current_line(before + k + after) @waiting_proc = nil elsif arg > 1 byte_size = 0 arg.times do byte_size += Reline::Unicode.get_next_mbchar_size(current_line, @byte_pointer + byte_size) end before = current_line.byteslice(0, @byte_pointer) remaining_point = @byte_pointer + byte_size after = current_line.byteslice(remaining_point, current_line.bytesize - remaining_point) replaced = k * arg set_current_line(before + replaced + after, @byte_pointer + replaced.bytesize) @waiting_proc = nil end } end
# File reline/line_editor.rb, line 1582 def vi_search_next(key) incremental_search_history(key) end
# File reline/line_editor.rb, line 1577 def vi_search_prev(key) incremental_search_history(key) end
# File reline/line_editor.rb, line 2201 def vi_to_column(key, arg: 0) # Implementing behavior of vi, not Readline's vi-mode. @byte_pointer, = current_line.grapheme_clusters.inject([0, 0]) { |(total_byte_size, total_width), gc| mbchar_width = Reline::Unicode.get_mbchar_width(gc) break [total_byte_size, total_width] if (total_width + mbchar_width) >= arg [total_byte_size + gc.bytesize, total_width + mbchar_width] } end
# File reline/line_editor.rb, line 2157 def vi_to_history_line(key) if Reline::HISTORY.empty? return end move_history(0, line: :start, cursor: :start) end
# File reline/line_editor.rb, line 2238 def vi_to_next_char(key, arg: 1, inclusive: false) @waiting_proc = ->(key_for_proc) { search_next_char(key_for_proc, arg, need_prev_char: true, inclusive: inclusive) } end
# File reline/line_editor.rb, line 2285 def vi_to_prev_char(key, arg: 1) @waiting_proc = ->(key_for_proc) { search_prev_char(key_for_proc, arg, true) } end
# File reline/line_editor.rb, line 2108 def vi_yank(key, arg: nil) if @vi_waiting_operator copy_for_vi(current_line) if @vi_waiting_operator == :vi_yank_confirm && arg.nil? @vi_waiting_operator = nil @vi_waiting_operator_arg = nil else @vi_waiting_operator = :vi_yank_confirm @vi_waiting_operator_arg = arg || 1 end end
# File reline/line_editor.rb, line 2119 def vi_yank_confirm(byte_pointer_diff) if byte_pointer_diff > 0 cut = current_line.byteslice(@byte_pointer, byte_pointer_diff) elsif byte_pointer_diff < 0 cut = current_line.byteslice(@byte_pointer + byte_pointer_diff, -byte_pointer_diff) else return end copy_for_vi(cut) end