class RDoc::Options
已保存的 Options
¶ ↑
您可以将一些选项(如标记格式)保存在 gem 的 .rdoc_options
rdoc --markup tomdoc --write-options
以下选项将不会保存,因为它们会干扰用户的首选项或 RDoc 的正常操作
自定义 Options
¶ ↑
生成器可以挂钩到 RDoc::Options
当在 ARGV 中遇到 --format
会在生成器类上调用 ::setup_options,以向选项解析器添加额外的选项。自定义生成器的 Options
必须出现在 --format
之后。rdoc --help
class RDoc::Generator::Spellcheck RDoc::RDoc.add_generator self def self.setup_options rdoc_options op = rdoc_options.option_parser op.on('--spell-dictionary DICTIONARY', RDoc::Options::Path) do |dictionary| rdoc_options.spell_dictionary = dictionary end end end
当然,默认情况下 RDoc::Options
不响应 spell_dictionary
class RDoc::Options ## # The spell dictionary used by the spell-checking plugin. attr_accessor :spell_dictionary end
选项验证器¶ ↑
OptionParser 验证器将验证并转换用户输入值。除了 OptionParser 附带的验证器(String、Integer、Float、TrueClass、FalseClass、Array、Regexp、Date、Time、URI 等)之外,RDoc::Options
还添加了 Path
和 Template
- Directory
OptionParser 的选项验证器,用于匹配文件系统中存在的目录。
- Path
OptionParser 的选项验证器,用于匹配文件系统中存在的文件或目录。
- PathArray
OptionParser 的选项验证器,用于匹配文件系统中存在的以逗号分隔的文件或目录列表。
选项被 –write-options 忽略(或特殊处理)- Template
OptionParser 的选项验证器,用于匹配安装的生成器的模板目录,该目录位于
如果为 true,则仅报告未记录的文件
如果为 true,RDoc
将 mixin 方法、属性和常量嵌入到类文档中。通过 --[no-]embed-mixins
设置(默认为 false
默认编码为 UTF-8。这通过 –encoding 设置。
即使输出目录看起来不像 rdoc 输出目录,也创建输出
如果为 true,则扫描比标志文件更新的源。
输出生成器的描述(使用 --format
已加载的生成器选项。用于防止 –help 多次加载相同的选项。
旧的 rdoc 行为:超链接所有与方法名称匹配的单词,即使前面没有 ‘#’ 或 ‘::’
。请参阅 标记格式。
此实例的 OptionParser
要搜索以满足 :include 的文件的目录数组
在超链接的实例方法名称前面包含 ‘#’
或 :nodoc
可见性将忽略所有与可见性相关的指令。其他可见性可以通过每个方法的 :doc: 指令覆盖。
如果无法解析 rdoc-ref 链接,则发出警告。默认为 false
Web cvs 前端的 URL
如果 .rdoc_options
文件存在,则从中加载选项,否则创建新的 RDoc::Options
# File rdoc/options.rb, line 1339 def self.load_options options_file = File.expand_path '.rdoc_options' return unless File.exist? options_file RDoc.load_yaml begin options = YAML.safe_load'.rdoc_options'), permitted_classes: [RDoc::Options, Symbol] rescue Psych::SyntaxError raise RDoc::Error, "#{options_file} is not a valid rdoc options file" end return unless options # Allow empty file. raise RDoc::Error, "#{options_file} is not a valid rdoc options file" unless RDoc::Options === options or Hash === options if Hash === options # Override the default values with the contents of YAML file. options = options end options end
# File rdoc/options.rb, line 502 def check_files @files.delete_if do |file| if File.exist? file then if File.readable? file then false else warn "file '#{file}' not readable" true end else warn "file '#{file}' not found" true end end end
# File rdoc/options.rb, line 523 def check_generator if @generator then raise OptionParser::InvalidOption, "generator already set to #{@generator_name}" end end
# File rdoc/options.rb, line 535 def default_title=(string) @title ||= string end
为 exclude
# File rdoc/options.rb, line 563 def exclude if @exclude.nil? or Regexp === @exclude then # done, #finish is being re-run @exclude elsif @exclude.empty? then nil else"|")) end end
完成任何未完成的选项设置业务,例如筛选现有文件,为 exclude
创建正则表达式,以及设置默认 template
# File rdoc/options.rb, line 579 def finish if @write_options then write_options exit end @op_dir ||= 'doc' root = @root.to_s if @rdoc_include.empty? || !@rdoc_include.include?(root) @rdoc_include << root end @exclude = self.exclude finish_page_dir check_files # If no template was specified, use the default template for the output # formatter unless @template then @template = @generator_name @template_dir = template_dir_for @template end if @locale_name @locale = RDoc::I18n::Locale[@locale_name] @locale.load(@locale_dir) else @locale = nil end self end
修复 page_dir
使其相对于 root_dir,并将 page_dir
# File rdoc/options.rb, line 620 def finish_page_dir return unless @page_dir @files << @page_dir page_dir = Pathname(@page_dir) begin page_dir = page_dir.expand_path.relative_path_from @root rescue ArgumentError # On Windows, sometimes crosses different drive letters. page_dir = page_dir.expand_path end @page_dir = page_dir end
# File rdoc/options.rb, line 639 def generator_descriptions lengths = [] generators = do |name, generator| lengths << name.length description = generator::DESCRIPTION if generator.const_defined? :DESCRIPTION [name, description] end longest = lengths.max do |name, description| if description then " %-*s - %s" % [longest, name, description] else " #{name}" end end.join "\n" end
# File rdoc/options.rb, line 665 def parse argv ignore_invalid = true argv.insert(0, *ENV['RDOCOPT'].split) if ENV['RDOCOPT'] opts = do |opt| @option_parser = opt opt.program_name = File.basename $0 opt.version = RDoc::VERSION opt.release = nil opt.summary_indent = ' ' * 4 opt.banner = <<-EOF Usage: #{opt.program_name} [options] [names...] Files are parsed, and the information they contain collected, before any output is produced. This allows cross references between all files to be resolved. If a name is a directory, it is traversed. If no names are specified, all Ruby files in the current directory (and subdirectories) are processed. How RDoc generates output depends on the output formatter being used, and on the options you give. Options can be specified via the RDOCOPT environment variable, which functions similar to the RUBYOPT environment variable for ruby. $ export RDOCOPT="--show-hash" will make rdoc show hashes in method links by default. Command-line options always will override those in RDOCOPT. Available formatters: #{generator_descriptions} RDoc understands the following file formats: EOF parsers = { |h, parser| h[parser] = [] } RDoc::Parser.parsers.each do |regexp, parser| parsers['RDoc::Parser::', '')] << regexp.source end parsers.sort.each do |parser, regexp| opt.banner += " - #{parser}: #{regexp.join ', '}\n" end opt.banner += " - TomDoc: Only in ruby files\n" opt.banner += "\n The following options are deprecated:\n\n" name_length = DEPRECATED.keys.sort_by { |k| k.length }.last.length DEPRECATED.sort_by { |k,| k }.each do |name, reason| opt.banner += " %*1$2$s %3$s\n" % [-name_length, name, reason] end opt.accept Template do |template| template_dir = template_dir_for template unless template_dir then $stderr.puts "could not find template #{template}" nil else [template, template_dir] end end opt.accept Directory do |directory| directory = File.expand_path directory raise OptionParser::InvalidArgument unless directory directory end opt.accept Path do |path| path = File.expand_path path raise OptionParser::InvalidArgument unless File.exist? path path end opt.accept PathArray do |paths,| paths = if paths then paths.split(',').map { |d| d unless d.empty? } end do |path| path = File.expand_path path raise OptionParser::InvalidArgument unless File.exist? path path end end opt.separator nil opt.separator "Parsing options:" opt.separator nil opt.on("--encoding=ENCODING", "-e", { |e| }, "Specifies the output encoding. All files", "read will be converted to this encoding.", "The default encoding is UTF-8.", "--encoding is preferred over --charset") do |value| @encoding = Encoding.find value @charset = # may not be valid value end opt.separator nil opt.on("--locale=NAME", "Specifies the output locale.") do |value| @locale_name = value end opt.on("--locale-data-dir=DIR", "Specifies the directory where locale data live.") do |value| @locale_dir = value end opt.separator nil opt.on("--all", "-a", "Synonym for --visibility=private.") do |value| @visibility = :private end opt.separator nil opt.on("--exclude=PATTERN", "-x", Regexp, "Do not process files or directories", "matching PATTERN.") do |value| @exclude << value end opt.separator nil opt.on("--no-skipping-tests", nil, "Don't skip generating documentation for test and spec files") do |value| @skip_tests = false end opt.separator nil opt.on("--extension=NEW=OLD", "-E", "Treat files ending with .new as if they", "ended with .old. Using '-E cgi=rb' will", "cause xxx.cgi to be parsed as a Ruby file.") do |value| new, old = value.split(/=/, 2) unless new and old then raise OptionParser::InvalidArgument, "Invalid parameter to '-E'" end unless RDoc::Parser.alias_extension old, new then raise OptionParser::InvalidArgument, "Unknown extension .#{old} to -E" end end opt.separator nil opt.on("--[no-]force-update", "-U", "Forces rdoc to scan all sources even if", "no files are newer than the flag file.") do |value| @force_update = value end opt.separator nil opt.on("--pipe", "-p", "Convert RDoc on stdin to HTML") do @pipe = true end opt.separator nil opt.on("--tab-width=WIDTH", "-w", Integer, "Set the width of tab characters.") do |value| raise OptionParser::InvalidArgument, "#{value} is an invalid tab width" if value <= 0 @tab_width = value end opt.separator nil opt.on("--visibility=VISIBILITY", "-V", RDoc::VISIBILITIES + [:nodoc], "Minimum visibility to document a method.", "One of 'public', 'protected' (the default),", "'private' or 'nodoc' (show everything)") do |value| @visibility = value end opt.separator nil opt.on("--[no-]embed-mixins", "Embed mixin methods, attributes, and constants", "into class documentation. (default false)") do |value| @embed_mixins = value end opt.separator nil markup_formats = RDoc::Text::MARKUP_FORMAT.keys.sort opt.on("--markup=MARKUP", markup_formats, "The markup format for the named files.", "The default is rdoc. Valid values are:", markup_formats.join(', ')) do |value| @markup = value end opt.separator nil opt.on("--root=ROOT", Directory, "Root of the source tree documentation", "will be generated for. Set this when", "building documentation outside the", "source directory. Default is the", "current directory.") do |root| @root = Pathname(root) end opt.separator nil opt.on("--page-dir=DIR", Directory, "Directory where guides, your FAQ or", "other pages not associated with a class", "live. Set this when you don't store", "such files at your project root.", "NOTE: Do not use the same file name in", "the page dir and the root of your project") do |page_dir| @page_dir = page_dir end opt.separator nil opt.separator "Common generator options:" opt.separator nil opt.on("--force-output", "-O", "Forces rdoc to write the output files,", "even if the output directory exists", "and does not seem to have been created", "by rdoc.") do |value| @force_output = value end opt.separator nil generator_text = { |name| " #{name}" }.sort opt.on("-f", "--fmt=FORMAT", "--format=FORMAT", @generators.keys, "Set the output formatter. One of:", *generator_text) do |value| check_generator @generator_name = value.downcase setup_generator end opt.separator nil opt.on("--include=DIRECTORIES", "-i", PathArray, "Set (or add to) the list of directories to", "be searched when satisfying :include:", "requests. Can be used more than once.") do |value| @rdoc_include.concat { |dir| dir.strip } end opt.separator nil opt.on("--[no-]coverage-report=[LEVEL]", "--[no-]dcov", "-C", Integer, "Prints a report on undocumented items.", "Does not generate files.") do |value| value = 0 if value.nil? # Integer converts -C to nil @coverage_report = value @force_update = true if value end opt.separator nil opt.on("--output=DIR", "--op", "-o", "Set the output directory.") do |value| @op_dir = value end opt.separator nil opt.on("-d", "Deprecated --diagram option.", "Prevents firing debug mode", "with legacy invocation.") do |value| end opt.separator nil opt.separator 'HTML generator options:' opt.separator nil opt.on("--charset=CHARSET", "-c", "Specifies the output HTML character-set.", "Use --encoding instead of --charset if", "available.") do |value| @charset = value end opt.separator nil opt.on("--hyperlink-all", "-A", "Generate hyperlinks for all words that", "correspond to known methods, even if they", "do not start with '#' or '::' (legacy", "behavior).") do |value| @hyperlink_all = value end opt.separator nil opt.on("--main=NAME", "-m", "NAME will be the initial page displayed.") do |value| @main_page = value end opt.separator nil opt.on("--[no-]line-numbers", "-N", "Include line numbers in the source code.", "By default, only the number of the first", "line is displayed, in a leading comment.") do |value| @line_numbers = value end opt.separator nil opt.on("--show-hash", "-H", "A name of the form #name in a comment is a", "possible hyperlink to an instance method", "name. When displayed, the '#' is removed", "unless this option is specified.") do |value| @show_hash = value end opt.separator nil opt.on("--template=NAME", "-T", Template, "Set the template used when generating", "output. The default depends on the", "formatter used.") do |(template, template_dir)| @template = template @template_dir = template_dir end opt.separator nil opt.on("--template-stylesheets=FILES", PathArray, "Set (or add to) the list of files to", "include with the html template.") do |value| @template_stylesheets.concat value end opt.separator nil opt.on("--title=TITLE", "-t", "Set TITLE as the title for HTML output.") do |value| @title = value end opt.separator nil opt.on("--copy-files=PATH", Path, "Specify a file or directory to copy static", "files from.", "If a file is given it will be copied into", "the output dir. If a directory is given the", "entire directory will be copied.", "You can use this multiple times") do |value| @static_path << value end opt.separator nil opt.on("--webcvs=URL", "-W", "Specify a URL for linking to a web frontend", "to CVS. If the URL contains a '\%s', the", "name of the current file will be", "substituted; if the URL doesn't contain a", "'\%s', the filename will be appended to it.") do |value| @webcvs = value end opt.separator nil opt.separator "ri generator options:" opt.separator nil opt.on("--ri", "-r", "Generate output for use by `ri`. The files", "are stored in the '.rdoc' directory under", "your home directory unless overridden by a", "subsequent --op parameter, so no special", "privileges are needed.") do |value| check_generator @generator_name = "ri" @op_dir ||= RDoc::RI::Paths::HOMEDIR setup_generator end opt.separator nil opt.on("--ri-site", "-R", "Generate output for use by `ri`. The files", "are stored in a site-wide directory,", "making them accessible to others, so", "special privileges are needed.") do |value| check_generator @generator_name = "ri" @op_dir = RDoc::RI::Paths.site_dir setup_generator end opt.separator nil opt.separator "Generic options:" opt.separator nil opt.on("--write-options", "Write .rdoc_options to the current", "directory with the given options. Not all", "options will be used. See RDoc::Options", "for details.") do |value| @write_options = true end opt.separator nil opt.on("--[no-]dry-run", "Don't write any files") do |value| @dry_run = value end opt.separator nil opt.on("-D", "--[no-]debug", "Displays lots on internal stuff.") do |value| $DEBUG_RDOC = value end opt.separator nil opt.on("--warn-missing-rdoc-ref", "Warn if rdoc-ref links can't be resolved") do |value| @warn_missing_rdoc_ref = value end opt.separator nil opt.on("--[no-]ignore-invalid", "Ignore invalid options and continue", "(default true).") do |value| ignore_invalid = value end opt.separator nil opt.on("--quiet", "-q", "Don't show progress as we parse.") do |value| @verbosity = 0 end opt.separator nil opt.on("--verbose", "-V", "Display extra progress as RDoc parses") do |value| @verbosity = 2 end opt.separator nil opt.on("--version", "-v", "print the version") do puts opt.version exit end opt.separator nil opt.on("--help", "-h", "Display this help") do RDoc::RDoc::GENERATORS.each_key do |generator| setup_generator generator end puts exit end opt.separator nil end setup_generator 'darkfish' if argv.grep(/\A(-f|--fmt|--format|-r|-R|--ri|--ri-site)\b/).empty? deprecated = [] invalid = [] begin opts.parse! argv rescue OptionParser::ParseError => e if DEPRECATED[e.args.first] then deprecated << e.args.first elsif %w[--format --ri -r --ri-site -R].include? e.args.first then raise else invalid << e.args.join(' ') end retry end unless @generator then @generator = RDoc::Generator::Darkfish @generator_name = 'darkfish' end if @pipe and not argv.empty? then @pipe = false invalid << '-p (with files)' end unless quiet then deprecated.each do |opt| $stderr.puts 'option ' + opt + ' is deprecated: ' + DEPRECATED[opt] end end unless invalid.empty? then invalid = "invalid options: #{invalid.join ', '}" if ignore_invalid then unless quiet then $stderr.puts invalid $stderr.puts '(invalid options are ignored)' end else unless quiet then $stderr.puts opts end $stderr.puts invalid exit 1 end end @files = argv.dup self end
# File rdoc/options.rb, line 1225 def quiet end
将静默度设置为 bool
# File rdoc/options.rb, line 1232 def quiet= bool @verbosity = bool ? 0 : 1 end
从 path
# File rdoc/options.rb, line 1239 def sanitize_path path require 'pathname' dot ='.').expand_path path.reject do |item| path = is_reject = nil relative = nil begin relative = path.relative_path_from(dot).to_s rescue ArgumentError # On Windows, sometimes crosses different drive letters. is_reject = true else is_reject = relative.start_with? '..' end is_reject end end
为指定的 generator_name
如果找到的生成器响应 :setup_options,它将被调用并传入 options 实例。 这允许生成器添加自定义选项或设置默认选项。
# File rdoc/options.rb, line 1266 def setup_generator generator_name = @generator_name @generator = @generators[generator_name] unless @generator then raise OptionParser::InvalidArgument, "Invalid output formatter #{generator_name}" end return if @generator_options.include? @generator @generator_name = generator_name @generator_options << @generator if @generator.respond_to? :setup_options then @option_parser ||= @generator.setup_options self end end
查找 template
# File rdoc/options.rb, line 1288 def template_dir_for template template_path = File.join 'rdoc', 'generator', 'template', template $ do |path| File.join File.expand_path(path), template_path end.find do |dir| dir end end
接受 :public
或 :all
当传入 :all
时,可见性将设置为 :private
,类似于 RDOCOPT=“–all”,有关更多信息,请参阅 visibility
# File rdoc/options.rb, line 1305 def visibility= visibility case visibility when :all @visibility = :private else @visibility = visibility end end
如果处于详细模式,则使用 Kernel#warn 显示警告。
# File rdoc/options.rb, line 1317 def warn message super message if @verbosity > 1 end
将包含已解析选项的 YAML 文件 .rdoc_options 写入当前目录。
# File rdoc/options.rb, line 1325 def write_options RDoc.load_yaml '.rdoc_options', 'w' do |io| io.set_encoding Encoding::UTF_8 io.print to_yaml end end