模块 Test::Unit::Assertions
包含标准的 Test::Unit
包含在 Test::Unit::TestCase
若要将其包含在您的代码中并使用其功能,您只需救援 Test::Unit::AssertionFailedError
。此外,您可以重写 add_assertion
() 添加您自己的断言很容易。
@example 示例自定义断言
def deny(boolean, message=nil) message = build_message(message, '<?> is not false or nil.', boolean) assert_block(message) do not boolean end end
选择是否使用漂亮的打印机。如果在进行任何断言之前将此选项设置为 false,则不需要 pp.rb。
# File test-unit-3.6.7/lib/test/unit/assertions.rb, line 1939 def self.use_pp=(value) AssertionMessage.use_pp = value end
每当进行断言时调用。在包含 Test::Unit::Assertions
这是为扩展 test-unit 的开发人员提供的公共 API。
@return [void]
# File test-unit-3.6.7/lib/test/unit/assertions.rb, line 1933 def add_assertion end
@overload assert(object, message=nil)
Asserts that `object` is not false nor nil. Normally, you don't need to use this assertion. Use more specific assertions such as #assert_equal and #assert_include. @example Pass patterns assert(true) # => pass assert([1, 2].include?(1)) # => pass @example Failure patterns assert(nil) # => failure assert(false) # => failure assert([1, 2].include?(5)) # => failure @param [Object] object The check target. @param [String] message The additional user message. It is showed when the assertion is failed. @return [void]
@overload assert(message=nil) {}
Asserts that the givens block returns not false nor nil. This style uses Power Assert. It means that you can see each object values in method chains on failure. See the following example about Power Assert. @example Power Assert coins = [1, 5, 50] target_coin = 10 assert do coins.include?(target_coin) end # => # coins.include?(target_coin) # | | | # | | 10 # | false # [1, 5, 50] We recommend you to use Power Assert for predicate method checks rather than existing assertions such as #assert_include and #assert_predicate. Power Assert shows useful message for debugging. We don't recommend you use Power Assert for equality check. You should use #assert_equal for the case. Because #assert_equal shows more useful message for debugging. @example Pass patterns assert {true} # => pass assert {[1, 2].include?(1)} # => pass @example Failure patterns assert {nil} # => failure assert {false} # => failure assert {[1, 2].include?(5)} # => failure @param [String] message The additional user message. It is showed when the assertion is failed. @yield [] Given no parameters to the block. @yieldreturn [Object] The checked object. @return [void]
# File test-unit-3.6.7/lib/test/unit/assertions.rb, line 134 def assert(object=NOT_SPECIFIED, message=nil, &block) _wrap_assertion do have_object = !NOT_SPECIFIED.equal?(object) if block message = object if have_object if defined?(PowerAssert) PowerAssert.start(block, :assertion_method => __callee__) do |pa| pa_message = AssertionMessage.delayed_literal(&pa.message_proc) assertion_message = build_message(message, "?", pa_message) assert_block(assertion_message) do pa.yield end end else assert(yield, message) end else unless have_object raise ArgumentError, "wrong number of arguments (0 for 1..2)" end assertion_message = nil case message when nil, String, Proc when AssertionMessage assertion_message = message else error_message = "assertion message must be String, Proc or " error_message += "#{AssertionMessage}: " error_message += "<#{message.inspect}>(<#{message.class}>)" raise ArgumentError, error_message, filter_backtrace(caller) end assertion_message ||= build_message(message, "<?> is not true.", object) assert_block(assertion_message) do object end end end end
如果 `object`#`alias_name` 是 `object`#`original_name` 的别名方法,则通过。
assert_alias_method([], :length, :size) # -> pass assert_alias_method([], :size, :length) # -> pass assert_alias_method([], :each, :size) # -> fail
# File test-unit-3.6.7/lib/test/unit/assertions.rb, line 1587 def assert_alias_method(object, alias_name, original_name, message=nil) _wrap_assertion do find_method_failure_message = Proc.new do |method_name| build_message(message, "<?>.? doesn't exist\n" + "(Class: <?>)", object, AssertionMessage.literal(method_name), object.class) end alias_method = original_method = nil assert_block(find_method_failure_message.call(alias_name)) do begin alias_method = object.method(alias_name) true rescue NameError false end end assert_block(find_method_failure_message.call(original_name)) do begin original_method = object.method(original_name) true rescue NameError false end end full_message = build_message(message, "<?> is alias of\n" + "<?> expected", alias_method, original_method) assert_block(full_message) do alias_method == original_method end end end
@overload assert_all
(collection, message=nil, &block)
Asserts that all `block.call(item)` where `item` is each item in `collection` are not false nor nil. If `collection` is empty, this assertion is always passed with any `block`. @example Pass patterns assert_all([1, 2, 3]) {|item| item > 0} # => pass assert_all([1, 2, 3], &:positive?) # => pass assert_all([]) {|item| false} # => pass @example Failure pattern assert_all([0, 1, 2], &:zero?) # => failure @param [#each] collection The check target. @param [String] message The additional user message. It is showed when the assertion is failed. @yield [Object] Give each item in `collection` to the block. @yieldreturn [Object] The checked object. @return [void]
@since 3.4.4
# File test-unit-3.6.7/lib/test/unit/assertions.rb, line 1797 def assert_all(collection, message=nil) _wrap_assertion do failed = false result = {} collection.each do |item| element_result = yield(item) failed = true unless element_result result[item] = element_result end format = <<-FORMAT <?> was expected to be all true values with the given block but was <?> FORMAT full_message = build_message(message, format, collection, result) assert_block(full_message) do not failed end end end
所有其他断言都基于此断言。如果该块产生的既不是 false 也不是 nil,则通过。
assert_block "Couldn't do the thing" do do_the_thing end
# File test-unit-3.6.7/lib/test/unit/assertions.rb, line 53 def assert_block(message="assert_block failed.") _wrap_assertion do if (! yield) options = {} if message.respond_to?(:user_message) options[:user_message] = message.user_message end raise AssertionFailedError.new(message.to_s, options) end end end
如果 `actual` 是一个布尔值,则通过。
assert_boolean(true) # -> pass assert_boolean(nil) # -> fail
# File test-unit-3.6.7/lib/test/unit/assertions.rb, line 1358 def assert_boolean(actual, message=nil) _wrap_assertion do assert_block(build_message(message, "<true> or <false> expected but was\n<?>", actual)) do true == actual || false == actual end end end
如果表达式 “‘expected` `operator` `actual`” 既不是 false 也不是 nil,则通过。
assert_compare(1, "<", 10) # -> pass assert_compare(1, ">=", 10) # -> fail
# File test-unit-3.6.7/lib/test/unit/assertions.rb, line 1407 def assert_compare(expected, operator, actual, message=nil) _wrap_assertion do assert_send([["<", "<=", ">", ">="], :include?, operator.to_s]) case operator.to_s when "<" operator_description = "less than" when "<=" operator_description = "less than or equal to" when ">" operator_description = "greater than" when ">=" operator_description = "greater than or equal to" end template = <<-EOT <?> #{operator} <?> should be true <?> was expected to be #{operator_description} <?>. EOT full_message = build_message(message, template, expected, actual, expected, actual) assert_block(full_message) do expected.__send__(operator, actual) end end end
如果 `object`.const_defined?(`constant_name`),则通过
assert_const_defined(Test, :Unit) # -> pass assert_const_defined(Object, :Nonexistent) # -> fail
# File test-unit-3.6.7/lib/test/unit/assertions.rb, line 1502 def assert_const_defined(object, constant_name, message=nil) _wrap_assertion do full_message = build_message(message, "<?>.const_defined\\?(<?>) expected.", object, constant_name) assert_block(full_message) do object.const_defined?(constant_name) end end end
如果 `object` 为空,则通过。
assert_empty("") # -> pass assert_empty([]) # -> pass assert_empty({}) # -> pass assert_empty(" ") # -> fail assert_empty([nil]) # -> fail assert_empty({1 => 2}) # -> fail
# File test-unit-3.6.7/lib/test/unit/assertions.rb, line 1732 def assert_empty(object, message=nil) _wrap_assertion do assert_respond_to(object, :empty?, "The object must respond to :empty?.") full_message = build_message(message, "<?> was expected to be empty.", object) assert_block(full_message) do object.empty? end end end
如果 `expected` == `actual`,则通过。
请注意,参数的顺序很重要,因为当此参数失败时会生成一个有用的错误消息,告诉您 expected 和 actual 的值。
assert_equal 'MY STRING', 'my string'.upcase
# File test-unit-3.6.7/lib/test/unit/assertions.rb, line 225 def assert_equal(expected, actual, message=nil) diff = AssertionMessage.delayed_diff(expected, actual) if expected.respond_to?(:encoding) and actual.respond_to?(:encoding) and expected.encoding != actual.encoding format = <<EOT <?>(?) expected but was <?>(?).? EOT full_message = build_message(message, format, expected, expected.encoding.name, actual, actual.encoding.name, diff) else full_message = build_message(message, <<EOT, expected, actual, diff) <?> expected but was <?>.? EOT end begin assert_block(full_message) { expected == actual } rescue AssertionFailedError => failure _set_failed_information(failure, expected, actual) raise failure # For JRuby. :< end end
assert_fail_assertion {assert_equal("A", "B")} # -> pass assert_fail_assertion {assert_equal("A", "A")} # -> fail
# File test-unit-3.6.7/lib/test/unit/assertions.rb, line 1440 def assert_fail_assertion(message=nil) _wrap_assertion do full_message = build_message(message, "Failed assertion was expected.") assert_block(full_message) do begin yield false rescue AssertionFailedError true end end end end
如果 `actual` 为 false,则通过。
assert_false(false) # -> pass assert_false(nil) # -> fail
# File test-unit-3.6.7/lib/test/unit/assertions.rb, line 1390 def assert_false(actual, message=nil) _wrap_assertion do assert_block(build_message(message, "<false> expected but was\n<?>", actual)) do false == actual end end end
如果 `expected_float` 和 `actual_float` 在 `delta` 容差范围内相等,则通过。
assert_in_delta 0.05, (50000.0 / 10**6), 0.00001
# File test-unit-3.6.7/lib/test/unit/assertions.rb, line 927 def assert_in_delta(expected_float, actual_float, delta=0.001, message="") _wrap_assertion do begin pass = delta >= (expected_float - actual_float).abs assert_operator(delta, :>=, 0.0, "The delta should not be negative") full_message = _assert_in_delta_message(expected_float, expected_float, actual_float, actual_float, delta, delta, message) rescue Test::Unit::AssertionFailedError # for the above assert_operator raise rescue _assert_in_delta_validate_arguments(expected_float, actual_float, delta) normalized_expected = expected_float.to_f normalized_actual = actual_float.to_f normalized_delta = delta.to_f pass = (normalized_expected - normalized_actual).abs <= normalized_delta full_message = _assert_in_delta_message(expected_float, normalized_expected, actual_float, normalized_actual, delta, normalized_delta, message) end assert_block(full_message) do pass end end end
如果 `expected_float` 和 `actual_float` 在 `expected_float` 的 `epsilon` 相对误差范围内相等,则通过。
assert_in_epsilon(10000.0, 9900.0, 0.1) # -> pass assert_in_epsilon(10000.0, 9899.0, 0.1) # -> fail
# File test-unit-3.6.7/lib/test/unit/assertions.rb, line 1089 def assert_in_epsilon(expected_float, actual_float, epsilon=0.001, message="") _wrap_assertion do begin zero_p = expected_float.zero? rescue expected_float == 0 if zero_p delta = epsilon ** 2 else delta = expected_float * epsilon end delta = delta.abs pass = (expected_float - actual_float).abs <= delta assert_operator(epsilon, :>=, 0.0, "The epsilon should not be negative") full_message = _assert_in_epsilon_message(expected_float, expected_float, actual_float, actual_float, epsilon, epsilon, delta, message) rescue Test::Unit::AssertionFailedError # for the above assert_operator raise rescue _assert_in_epsilon_validate_arguments(expected_float, actual_float, epsilon) normalized_expected = expected_float.to_f normalized_actual = actual_float.to_f normalized_epsilon = epsilon.to_f if normalized_expected.zero? delta = normalized_epsilon ** 2 else delta = normalized_expected * normalized_epsilon end delta = delta.abs full_message = _assert_in_epsilon_message(expected_float, normalized_expected, actual_float, normalized_actual, epsilon, normalized_epsilon, delta, message) pass = (normalized_expected - normalized_actual).abs <= delta end assert_block(full_message) do pass end end end
如果 `collection` 包含 `object`,则通过。
assert_include([1, 10], 1) # -> pass assert_include(1..10, 5) # -> pass assert_include([1, 10], 5) # -> fail assert_include(1..10, 20) # -> fail
# File test-unit-3.6.7/lib/test/unit/assertions.rb, line 1671 def assert_include(collection, object, message=nil) _wrap_assertion do assert_respond_to(collection, :include?, "The collection must respond to :include?.") full_message = build_message(message, "<?> was expected to include\n<?>.", collection, object) assert_block(full_message) do collection.include?(object) end end end
仅用于 minitest 兼容性。 :<
@since 2.5.3
如果 `object`.instance_of?(`klass`),则通过。当 `klass` 是类数组时,如果任何类满足 +object.instance_of?(class),则通过。
assert_instance_of(String, 'foo') # -> pass assert_instance_of([Fixnum, NilClass], 100) # -> pass assert_instance_of([Numeric, NilClass], 100) # -> fail
# File test-unit-3.6.7/lib/test/unit/assertions.rb, line 391 def assert_instance_of(klass, object, message=nil) _wrap_assertion do if klass.is_a?(Array) klasses = klass else klasses = [klass] end assert_block("The first parameter to assert_instance_of should be " + "a Class or an Array of Class.") do klasses.all? {|k| k.is_a?(Class)} end klass_message = AssertionMessage.maybe_container(klass) do |value| "<#{value}>" end full_message = build_message(message, <<EOT, object, klass_message, object.class) <?> was expected to be instance_of\\? ? but was <?>. EOT assert_block(full_message) do klasses.any? {|k| object.instance_of?(k)} end end end
如果 `object`.kind_of?(`klass`),则通过。当 `klass` 是类或模块的数组时,如果任何类或模块满足 +object.kind_of?(class_or_module),则通过。
assert_kind_of(Object, 'foo') # -> pass assert_kind_of([Fixnum, NilClass], 100) # -> pass assert_kind_of([Fixnum, NilClass], "string") # -> fail
# File test-unit-3.6.7/lib/test/unit/assertions.rb, line 478 def assert_kind_of(klass, object, message=nil) _wrap_assertion do if klass.is_a?(Array) klasses = klass else klasses = [klass] end assert_block("The first parameter to assert_kind_of should be " + "a kind_of Module or an Array of a kind_of Module.") do klasses.all? {|k| k.kind_of?(Module)} end klass_message = AssertionMessage.maybe_container(klass) do |value| "<#{value}>" end full_message = build_message(message, "<?> was expected to be kind_of\\?\n" + "? but was\n" + "<?>.", object, klass_message, object.class) assert_block(full_message) do klasses.any? {|k| object.kind_of?(k)} end end end
如果 `pattern` =~ `string`,则通过。
assert_match(/\d+/, 'five, 6, seven')
# File test-unit-3.6.7/lib/test/unit/assertions.rb, line 601 def assert_match(pattern, string, message=nil) _wrap_assertion do pattern = Regexp.new(Regexp.escape(pattern)) if pattern.is_a?(String) full_message = build_message(message, "<?> was expected to be =~\n<?>.", pattern, string) assert_block(full_message) { pattern =~ string } end end
如果 `object`.nil?,则通过。
assert_nil [1, 2].uniq!
# File test-unit-3.6.7/lib/test/unit/assertions.rb, line 462 def assert_nil(object, message=nil) full_message = build_message(message, <<EOT, object) <?> was expected to be nil. EOT assert_block(full_message) { object.nil? } end
@deprecated 请改用 {#assert_not_match}。
如果 `regexp` !~ `string`,则通过
assert_no_match(/two/, 'one 2 three') # -> pass assert_no_match(/three/, 'one 2 three') # -> fail
# File test-unit-3.6.7/lib/test/unit/assertions.rb, line 798 def assert_no_match(regexp, string, message="") _wrap_assertion do assert_instance_of(Regexp, regexp, "The first argument to assert_no_match " + "should be a Regexp.") assert_not_match(regexp, string, message) end end
如果 !`object`.const_defined?(`constant_name`),则通过
assert_not_const_defined(Object, :Nonexistent) # -> pass assert_not_const_defined(Test, :Unit) # -> fail
# File test-unit-3.6.7/lib/test/unit/assertions.rb, line 1519 def assert_not_const_defined(object, constant_name, message=nil) _wrap_assertion do full_message = build_message(message, "!<?>.const_defined\\?(<?>) expected.", object, constant_name) assert_block(full_message) do !object.const_defined?(constant_name) end end end
如果 `object` 不为空,则通过。
assert_not_empty(" ") # -> pass assert_not_empty([nil]) # -> pass assert_not_empty({1 => 2}) # -> pass assert_not_empty("") # -> fail assert_not_empty([]) # -> fail assert_not_empty({}) # -> fail
# File test-unit-3.6.7/lib/test/unit/assertions.rb, line 1755 def assert_not_empty(object, message=nil) _wrap_assertion do assert_respond_to(object, :empty?, "The object must respond to :empty?.") full_message = build_message(message, "<?> was expected to not be empty.", object) assert_block(full_message) do not object.empty? end end end
如果 `expected` != `actual`,则通过
assert_not_equal 'some string', 5
# File test-unit-3.6.7/lib/test/unit/assertions.rb, line 740 def assert_not_equal(expected, actual, message=nil) full_message = build_message(message, "<?> was expected to be != to\n<?>.", expected, actual) assert_block(full_message) { expected != actual } end
如果 `expected_float` 和 `actual_float` 在 `delta` 容差范围内不相等,则通过。
assert_not_in_delta(0.05, (50000.0 / 10**6), 0.00002) # -> pass assert_not_in_delta(0.05, (50000.0 / 10**6), 0.00001) # -> fail
# File test-unit-3.6.7/lib/test/unit/assertions.rb, line 971 def assert_not_in_delta(expected_float, actual_float, delta=0.001, message="") _wrap_assertion do _assert_in_delta_validate_arguments(expected_float, actual_float, delta) begin pass = (expected_float - actual_float).abs > delta full_message = _assert_in_delta_message(expected_float, expected_float, actual_float, actual_float, delta, delta, message, :negative_assertion => true) rescue normalized_expected = expected_float.to_f normalized_actual = actual_float.to_f normalized_delta = delta.to_f pass = (normalized_expected - normalized_actual).abs > normalized_delta full_message = _assert_in_delta_message(expected_float, normalized_expected, actual_float, normalized_actual, delta, normalized_delta, message, :negative_assertion => true) end assert_block(full_message) do pass end end end
如果 `expected_float` 和 `actual_float` 在 `expected_float` 的 `epsilon` 相对误差范围内不相等,则通过。
assert_not_in_epsilon(10000.0, 9900.0, 0.1) # -> fail assert_not_in_epsilon(10000.0, 9899.0, 0.1) # -> pass
# File test-unit-3.6.7/lib/test/unit/assertions.rb, line 1150 def assert_not_in_epsilon(expected_float, actual_float, epsilon=0.001, message="") _wrap_assertion do begin delta = expected_float * epsilon pass = (expected_float - actual_float).abs > delta assert_operator(epsilon, :>=, 0.0, "The epsilon should not be negative") full_message = _assert_in_epsilon_message(expected_float, expected_float, actual_float, actual_float, epsilon, epsilon, delta, message, :negative_assertion => true) rescue Test::Unit::AssertionFailedError # for the above assert_operator raise rescue _assert_in_epsilon_validate_arguments(expected_float, actual_float, epsilon) normalized_expected = expected_float.to_f normalized_actual = actual_float.to_f normalized_epsilon = epsilon.to_f delta = normalized_expected * normalized_epsilon pass = (normalized_expected - normalized_actual).abs > delta full_message = _assert_in_epsilon_message(expected_float, normalized_expected, actual_float, normalized_actual, epsilon, normalized_epsilon, delta, message, :negative_assertion => true) end assert_block(full_message) do pass end end end
如果 `collection` 不包含 `object`,则通过。
assert_not_include([1, 10], 5) # -> pass assert_not_include(1..10, 20) # -> pass assert_not_include([1, 10], 1) # -> fail assert_not_include(1..10, 5) # -> fail
# File test-unit-3.6.7/lib/test/unit/assertions.rb, line 1698 def assert_not_include(collection, object, message=nil) _wrap_assertion do assert_respond_to(collection, :include?, "The collection must respond to :include?.") full_message = build_message(message, "<?> was expected to not include\n<?>.", collection, object) assert_block(full_message) do not collection.include?(object) end end end
仅用于 minitest 兼容性。 :<
@since 3.0.0
如果 `object`.instance_of?(`klass`) 不成立,则通过。当 `klass` 是类数组时,如果没有类满足 +object.instance_of?(class),则通过。
assert_not_instance_of(String, 100) # -> pass assert_not_instance_of([Fixnum, NilClass], '100') # -> pass assert_not_instance_of([Numeric, NilClass], 100) # -> fail
@since 3.0.0
# File test-unit-3.6.7/lib/test/unit/assertions.rb, line 427 def assert_not_instance_of(klass, object, message=nil) _wrap_assertion do if klass.is_a?(Array) klasses = klass else klasses = [klass] end assert_block("The first parameter to assert_not_instance_of should be " + "a Class or an Array of Class.") do klasses.all? {|k| k.is_a?(Class)} end klass_message = AssertionMessage.maybe_container(klass) do |value| "<#{value}>" end full_message = build_message(message, "<?> was expected to not be instance_of\\?\n" + "? but was.", object, klass_message) assert_block(full_message) do klasses.none? {|k| object.instance_of?(k)} end end end
如果 `object`.kind_of?(`klass`) 不成立,则通过。当 `klass` 是类或模块的数组时,只有当所有类(和模块)都不满足 +object.kind_of?(class_or_module) 时,才通过。
assert_not_kind_of(Fixnum, 'foo') # -> pass assert_not_kind_of([Fixnum, NilClass], '0') # -> pass assert_not_kind_of([Fixnum, NilClass], 100) # -> fail
@since 3.0.0
# File test-unit-3.6.7/lib/test/unit/assertions.rb, line 516 def assert_not_kind_of(klass, object, message=nil) _wrap_assertion do if klass.is_a?(Array) klasses = klass else klasses = [klass] end assert_block("The first parameter to assert_not_kind_of should be " + "a kind_of Module or an Array of a kind_of Module.") do klasses.all? {|k| k.kind_of?(Module)} end klass_message = AssertionMessage.maybe_container(klass) do |value| "<#{value}>" end full_message = build_message(message, "<?> was expected to not be kind_of\\?\n" + "? but was.", object, klass_message) assert_block(full_message) do klasses.none? {|k| object.kind_of?(k)} end end end
如果 `regexp` !~ `string`,则通过
assert_not_match(/two/, 'one 2 three') # -> pass assert_not_match(/three/, 'one 2 three') # -> fail
# File test-unit-3.6.7/lib/test/unit/assertions.rb, line 775 def assert_not_match(pattern, string, message=nil) _wrap_assertion do pattern = Regexp.new(Regexp.escape(pattern)) if pattern.is_a?(String) full_message = build_message(message, "<?> was expected to not match\n<?>.", pattern, string) assert_block(full_message) { pattern !~ string } end end
如果 ! `object` .nil?,则通过
assert_not_nil '1 two 3'.sub!(/two/, '2')
# File test-unit-3.6.7/lib/test/unit/assertions.rb, line 757 def assert_not_nil(object, message=nil) full_message = build_message(message, "<?> was expected to not be nil.", object) assert_block(full_message){!object.nil?} end
使用 `operator` 比较 `object1` 和 `object2`。
如果 object1.__send__(operator, object2) 的结果为 false 或 nil,则测试通过。
assert_not_operator(5, :<, 4) # => pass assert_not_operator(5, :>, 4) # => fail
@since 3.0.0
# File test-unit-3.6.7/lib/test/unit/assertions.rb, line 658 def assert_not_operator(object1, operator, object2, message=nil) _wrap_assertion do full_message = build_message(nil, "<?>\ngiven as the operator for #assert_not_operator must be a Symbol or #respond_to\\?(:to_str).", operator) assert_block(full_message){operator.kind_of?(Symbol) || operator.respond_to?(:to_str)} full_message = build_message(message, <<EOT, object1, AssertionMessage.literal(operator), object2) <?> was expected to not be ? <?>. EOT assert_block(full_message) { ! object1.__send__(operator, object2) } end end
如果 ‘object`.`predicate` 的结果为 false 或 nil,则测试通过。
assert_not_predicate([1], :empty?) # -> pass assert_not_predicate([], :empty?) # -> fail
# File test-unit-3.6.7/lib/test/unit/assertions.rb, line 1558 def assert_not_predicate(object, predicate, message=nil) _wrap_assertion do assert_respond_to(object, predicate, message) actual = object.__send__(predicate) full_message = build_message(message, "<?>.? is false value expected but was\n" + "<?>", object, AssertionMessage.literal(predicate), actual) assert_block(full_message) do not actual end end end
如果 ‘object` 不响应 `method`,则测试通过。
assert_not_respond_to('bugbear', :nonexistence) # -> pass assert_not_respond_to('bugbear', :size) # -> fail
# File test-unit-3.6.7/lib/test/unit/assertions.rb, line 574 def assert_not_respond_to(object, method, message=nil) _wrap_assertion do full_message = build_message(message, "<?>.kind_of\\?(Symbol) or\n" + "<?>.respond_to\\?(:to_str) expected", method, method) assert_block(full_message) do method.kind_of?(Symbol) or method.respond_to?(:to_str) end full_message = build_message(message, "!<?>.respond_to\\?(?) expected\n" + "(Class: <?>)", object, method, object.class) assert_block(full_message) {!object.respond_to?(method)} end end
如果 ! ‘actual` .equal? `expected`,则测试通过
assert_not_same Object.new, Object.new
# File test-unit-3.6.7/lib/test/unit/assertions.rb, line 720 def assert_not_same(expected, actual, message=nil) full_message = build_message(message, <<EOT, expected, expected.__id__, actual, actual.__id__) <?> with id <?> was expected to not be equal\\? to <?> with id <?>. EOT assert_block(full_message) { !actual.equal?(expected) } end
如果方法 ‘__send__` 返回 false 或 nil,则测试通过。
‘send_array` 由以下部分组成:
assert_not_send([[1, 2], :member?, 1]) # -> fail assert_not_send([[1, 2], :member?, 4]) # -> pass
# File test-unit-3.6.7/lib/test/unit/assertions.rb, line 1323 def assert_not_send(send_array, message=nil) _wrap_assertion do assert_instance_of(Array, send_array, "assert_not_send requires an array " + "of send information") assert_operator(send_array.size, :>=, 2, "assert_not_send requires at least a receiver " + "and a message name") format = <<EOT <?> was expected to respond to <?(*?)> with not a true value but was <?>. EOT receiver, message_name, *arguments = send_array result = nil full_message = build_message(message, format, receiver, AssertionMessage.literal(message_name.to_s), arguments, AssertionMessage.delayed_literal {result}) assert_block(full_message) do result = receiver.__send__(message_name, *arguments) not result end end end
@overload assert_nothing_leaked_memory
(max_increasable_size, target=:physical, message=nil, &block)
Asserts that increased memory usage by `block.call` is less than `max_increasable_size`. `GC.start` is called before and after `block.call`. This assertion may be fragile. Because memory usage is depends on the current Ruby process's memory usage. Launching a new Ruby process for this will produce more stable result but we need to specify target code as `String` instead of block for the approach. We choose easy to write API approach rather than more stable result approach for this case. @example Pass pattern require "objspace" size_per_object = ObjectSpace.memsize_of("Hello") # If memory isn't leaked, physical memory of almost created objects # (1000 - 10 objects) must be freed. assert_nothing_leaked_memory(size_per_object * 10) do 1_000.times do "Hello".dup end end # => pass @example Failure pattern require "objspace" size_per_object = ObjectSpace.memsize_of("Hello") strings = [] assert_nothing_leaked_memory(size_per_object * 10) do 10_000.times do # Created objects aren't GC-ed because they are referred. strings << "Hello".dup end end # => failure @param target [:physical, :virtual] which memory usage is used for comparing. `:physical` means physical memory usage also known as Resident Set Size (RSS). `:virtual` means virtual memory usage. @yield [] do anything you want to measure memory usage in the block. @yieldreturn [void] @return [void]
@since 3.4.5
# File test-unit-3.6.7/lib/test/unit/assertions.rb, line 1871 def assert_nothing_leaked_memory(max_increasable_size, target=:physical, message=nil) _wrap_assertion do GC.start before = Util::MemoryUsage.new unless before.collected? omit("memory usage collection isn't supported on this platform") end yield GC.start after = Util::MemoryUsage.new before_value = before.__send__(target) after_value = after.__send__(target) actual_increased_size = after_value - before_value template = <<-TEMPLATE <?> was expected to be less than <?>. TEMPLATE full_message = build_message(message, template, actual_increased_size, max_increasable_size) assert_block(full_message) do actual_increased_size < max_increasable_size end end end
assert_nothing_raised do [1, 2].uniq end
# File test-unit-3.6.7/lib/test/unit/assertions.rb, line 683 def assert_nothing_raised(*args) _wrap_assertion do if args.last.is_a?(String) message = args.pop else message = "" end assert_exception_helper = AssertExceptionHelper.new(self, args) begin yield rescue Exception => e if ((args.empty? && !e.instance_of?(AssertionFailedError)) || assert_exception_helper.expected?(e)) failure_message = build_message(message, "Exception raised:\n?", e) assert_block(failure_message) {false} else raise end end end end
assert_nothing_thrown do [1, 2].uniq end
# File test-unit-3.6.7/lib/test/unit/assertions.rb, line 903 def assert_nothing_thrown(message=nil, &proc) _wrap_assertion do assert(block_given?, "Should have passed a block to assert_nothing_thrown") begin proc.call rescue => error extractor = ThrowTagExtractor.new(error) tag = extractor.extract_tag raise if tag.nil? full_message = build_message(message, "<?> was thrown when nothing was expected", tag) flunk(full_message) end assert(true, "Expected nothing to be thrown") end end
使用 `operator` 比较 `object1` 和 `object2`。
如果 object1.__send__(operator, object2) 的结果既不是 false 也不是 nil,则测试通过。
assert_operator 5, :>=, 4
# File test-unit-3.6.7/lib/test/unit/assertions.rb, line 635 def assert_operator(object1, operator, object2, message=nil) _wrap_assertion do full_message = build_message(nil, "<?>\ngiven as the operator for #assert_operator must be a Symbol or #respond_to\\?(:to_str).", operator) assert_block(full_message){operator.kind_of?(Symbol) || operator.respond_to?(:to_str)} full_message = build_message(message, <<EOT, object1, AssertionMessage.literal(operator), object2) <?> was expected to be ? <?>. EOT assert_block(full_message) { object1.__send__(operator, object2) } end end
如果 ‘path` 存在,则测试通过。
assert_path_exist("/tmp") # -> pass assert_path_exist("/bin/sh") # -> pass assert_path_exist("/nonexistent") # -> fail
# File test-unit-3.6.7/lib/test/unit/assertions.rb, line 1634 def assert_path_exist(path, message=nil) _wrap_assertion do failure_message = build_message(message, "<?> was expected to exist", path) assert_block(failure_message) do File.exist?(path) end end end
如果 ‘path` 不存在,则测试通过。
assert_path_not_exist("/nonexistent") # -> pass assert_path_not_exist("/tmp") # -> fail assert_path_not_exist("/bin/sh") # -> fail
# File test-unit-3.6.7/lib/test/unit/assertions.rb, line 1652 def assert_path_not_exist(path, message=nil) _wrap_assertion do failure_message = build_message(message, "<?> was expected to not exist", path) assert_block(failure_message) do not File.exist?(path) end end end
如果 ‘object`.`predicate` 的结果既不是 false 也不是 nil,则测试通过。
assert_predicate([], :empty?) # -> pass assert_predicate([1], :empty?) # -> fail
# File test-unit-3.6.7/lib/test/unit/assertions.rb, line 1536 def assert_predicate(object, predicate, message=nil) _wrap_assertion do assert_respond_to(object, predicate, message) actual = object.__send__(predicate) full_message = build_message(message, "<?>.? is true value expected but was\n" + "<?>", object, AssertionMessage.literal(predicate), actual) assert_block(full_message) do actual end end end
如果代码块抛出期望的异常之一,则测试通过。当期望的异常是 Exception 对象时,如果 expected_exception == actual_exception,则测试通过。
assert_raise(RuntimeError, LoadError) do raise 'Boom!!!' end # -> pass assert_raise do raise Exception, 'Any exception should be raised!!!' end # -> pass assert_raise(RuntimeError.new("XXX")) {raise "XXX"} # -> pass assert_raise(MyError.new("XXX")) {raise "XXX"} # -> fail assert_raise(RuntimeError.new("ZZZ")) {raise "XXX"} # -> fail
# File test-unit-3.6.7/lib/test/unit/assertions.rb, line 269 def assert_raise(*args, &block) assert_expected_exception = Proc.new do |*_args| message, assert_exception_helper, actual_exception = _args expected = assert_exception_helper.expected_exceptions diff = AssertionMessage.delayed_diff(expected, actual_exception) full_message = build_message(message, "<?> exception expected but was\n<?>.?", expected, actual_exception, diff) begin assert_block(full_message) do expected == [] or assert_exception_helper.expected?(actual_exception) end rescue AssertionFailedError => failure _set_failed_information(failure, expected, actual_exception) raise failure # For JRuby. :< end end _assert_raise(assert_expected_exception, *args, &block) end
assert_raise_kind_of(SystemCallError) do raise Errno::EACCES end
# File test-unit-3.6.7/lib/test/unit/assertions.rb, line 366 def assert_raise_kind_of(*args, &block) assert_expected_exception = Proc.new do |*_args| message, assert_exception_helper, actual_exception = _args expected = assert_exception_helper.expected_exceptions full_message = build_message(message, "<?> family exception expected " + "but was\n<?>.", expected, actual_exception) assert_block(full_message) do assert_exception_helper.expected?(actual_exception, :kind_of?) end end _assert_raise(assert_expected_exception, *args, &block) end
如果代码块中抛出异常,并且其消息为 ‘expected`,则测试通过。
assert_raise_message("exception") {raise "exception"} # -> pass assert_raise_message(/exc/i) {raise "exception"} # -> pass assert_raise_message("exception") {raise "EXCEPTION"} # -> fail assert_raise_message("exception") {} # -> fail
# File test-unit-3.6.7/lib/test/unit/assertions.rb, line 1464 def assert_raise_message(expected, message=nil) _wrap_assertion do full_message = build_message(message, "<?> exception message was expected " + "but none was thrown.", expected) exception = nil assert_block(full_message) do begin yield false rescue Exception => exception true end end actual = exception.message diff = AssertionMessage.delayed_diff(expected, actual) full_message = build_message(message, "<?> exception message expected but was\n" + "<?>.?", expected, actual, diff) assert_block(full_message) do if expected.is_a?(Regexp) expected =~ actual else expected == actual end end end end
如果代码块抛出 ‘expected_exception` 和 `expected_message`,则测试通过。`expected_message` 可以是 `String` 或 `Regexp`。
@example 通过模式:字符串
assert_raise_with_message(RuntimeError, "Boom!!!") do raise "Boom!!!" end # -> pass
@example 通过模式:正则表达式
assert_raise_with_message(RuntimeError, /!!!/) do raise "Boom!!!" end # -> pass
@example Failure
assert_raise_with_message(RuntimeError, "Boom!!!") do raise ArgumentError, "Boom!!!" end # -> failure
@example Failure
assert_raise_with_message(RuntimeError, "Boom!!!") do raise "Hello" end # -> failure
@since 3.4.3
# File test-unit-3.6.7/lib/test/unit/assertions.rb, line 318 def assert_raise_with_message(expected_exception_class, expected_message, message=nil, &block) assert_expected_exception = Proc.new do |*_args| _message, assert_exception_helper, actual_exception = _args diff = AssertionMessage.delayed_diff([ expected_exception_class, expected_message, ], [ actual_exception.class, actual_exception.message, ]) full_message = build_message(message, "<?>(<?>) exception expected but was\n" + "<?>(<?>).?", expected_exception_class, expected_message, actual_exception.class, actual_exception.message, diff) begin assert_block(full_message) do assert_exception_helper.expected?(actual_exception) and expected_message === actual_exception.message end rescue AssertionFailedError => failure _set_failed_information(failure, expected_exception_class, actual_exception) raise failure # For JRuby. :< end actual_exception end args = [expected_exception_class] args << message if message _assert_raise(assert_expected_exception, *args, &block) end
如果 ‘object` .respond_to? `method`,则测试通过。
assert_respond_to 'bugbear', :slice
# File test-unit-3.6.7/lib/test/unit/assertions.rb, line 551 def assert_respond_to(object, method, message=nil) _wrap_assertion do full_message = build_message(message, "<?>.kind_of\\?(Symbol) or\n" + "<?>.respond_to\\?(:to_str) expected", method, method) assert_block(full_message) do method.kind_of?(Symbol) or method.respond_to?(:to_str) end full_message = build_message(message, "<?>.respond_to\\?(?) expected\n" + "(Class: <?>)", object, method, object.class) assert_block(full_message) {object.respond_to?(method)} end end
如果 ‘actual` .equal? `expected`(即它们是同一个实例),则测试通过。
o = Object.new assert_same o, o
# File test-unit-3.6.7/lib/test/unit/assertions.rb, line 618 def assert_same(expected, actual, message=nil) full_message = build_message(message, <<EOT, expected, expected.__id__, actual, actual.__id__) <?> with id <?> was expected to be equal\\? to <?> with id <?>. EOT assert_block(full_message) { actual.equal?(expected) } end
如果方法 ‘__send__` 返回的结果既不是 false 也不是 nil,则测试通过。
‘send_array` 由以下部分组成:
assert_send([[1, 2], :member?, 1]) # -> pass assert_send([[1, 2], :member?, 4]) # -> fail
# File test-unit-3.6.7/lib/test/unit/assertions.rb, line 1283 def assert_send(send_array, message=nil) _wrap_assertion do assert_instance_of(Array, send_array, "assert_send requires an array " + "of send information") assert_operator(send_array.size, :>=, 2, "assert_send requires at least a receiver " + "and a message name") format = <<EOT <?> was expected to respond to <?(*?)> with a true value but was <?>. EOT receiver, message_name, *arguments = send_array result = nil full_message = build_message(message, format, receiver, AssertionMessage.literal(message_name.to_s), arguments, AssertionMessage.delayed_literal {result}) assert_block(full_message) do result = receiver.__send__(message_name, *arguments) result end end end
如果代码块抛出 ‘expected_object`,则测试通过。
assert_throw(:done) do throw(:done) end
# File test-unit-3.6.7/lib/test/unit/assertions.rb, line 857 def assert_throw(expected_object, message=nil, &proc) _wrap_assertion do begin catch([]) {} rescue TypeError assert_instance_of(Symbol, expected_object, "assert_throws expects the symbol that should be thrown for its first argument") end assert_block("Should have passed a block to assert_throw.") do block_given? end caught = true begin catch(expected_object) do proc.call caught = false end full_message = build_message(message, "<?> should have been thrown.", expected_object) assert_block(full_message) {caught} rescue => error extractor = ThrowTagExtractor.new(error) tag = extractor.extract_tag raise if tag.nil? full_message = build_message(message, "<?> was expected to be thrown but\n" + "<?> was thrown.", expected_object, tag) flunk(full_message) end end end
仅用于 minitest 兼容性。 :<
@since 2.5.3
如果 ‘actual` 为 true,则测试通过。
assert_true(true) # -> pass assert_true(:true) # -> fail
# File test-unit-3.6.7/lib/test/unit/assertions.rb, line 1374 def assert_true(actual, message=nil) _wrap_assertion do assert_block(build_message(message, "<true> expected but was\n<?>", actual)) do true == actual end end end
构建失败消息。‘user_message` 添加在 `template` 之前,并且 `arguments` 按位置替换模板中的 '?'。
# File test-unit-3.6.7/lib/test/unit/assertions.rb, line 1904 def build_message(user_message, template=nil, *arguments) template &&= template.chomp return AssertionMessage.new(user_message, template, arguments) end
flunk 总是失败。
flunk 'Not done testing yet.'
# File test-unit-3.6.7/lib/test/unit/assertions.rb, line 711 def flunk(message="Flunked") assert_block(build_message(message)){false} end
断言 ‘object` 为 false 或 nil。
@note 仅用于 minitest 兼容性。 :<
@param [Object] object 要断言的对象。 @return [void]
@example 通过模式
refute(false) # => pass refute(nil) # => pass
@example Failure
refute(true) # => failure refute("string") # => failure
@since 2.5.3
# File test-unit-3.6.7/lib/test/unit/assertions.rb, line 191 def refute(object, message=nil) _wrap_assertion do assertion_message = nil case message when nil, String, Proc when AssertionMessage assertion_message = message else error_message = "assertion message must be String, Proc or " error_message += "#{AssertionMessage}: " error_message += "<#{message.inspect}>(<#{message.class}>)" raise ArgumentError, error_message, filter_backtrace(caller) end assert_block("refute should not be called with a block.") do !block_given? end assertion_message ||= build_message(message, "<?> is neither nil or false.", object) assert_block(assertion_message) do not object end end end
仅用于 minitest 兼容性。 :<
@since 2.5.3
仅用于 minitest 兼容性。 :<
@since 3.0.0
仅用于 minitest 兼容性。 :<
@since 3.0.0
仅用于 minitest 兼容性。 :<
@since 3.0.0
仅用于 minitest 兼容性。 :<
@since 3.0.0
仅用于 minitest 兼容性。 :<
@since 3.0.0
仅用于 minitest 兼容性。 :<
@since 2.5.3
# File test-unit-3.6.7/lib/test/unit/assertions.rb, line 1028 def _assert_in_delta_message(expected_float, normalized_expected, actual_float, normalized_actual, delta, normalized_delta, message, options={}) if options[:negative_assertion] format = <<-EOT <?> -/+ <?> was expected to not include <?>. EOT else format = <<-EOT <?> -/+ <?> was expected to include <?>. EOT end arguments = [expected_float, delta, actual_float] relation_format = nil relation_arguments = nil if normalized_actual < normalized_expected - normalized_delta relation_format = "<<?> < <?>-<?>[?] <= <?>+<?>[?]>" relation_arguments = [actual_float, expected_float, delta, normalized_expected - normalized_delta, expected_float, delta, normalized_expected + normalized_delta] elsif normalized_actual <= normalized_expected + normalized_delta relation_format = "<<?>-<?>[?] <= <?> <= <?>+<?>[?]>" relation_arguments = [expected_float, delta, normalized_expected - normalized_delta, actual_float, expected_float, delta, normalized_expected + normalized_delta] else relation_format = "<<?>-<?>[?] <= <?>+<?>[?] < <?>>" relation_arguments = [expected_float, delta, normalized_expected - normalized_delta, expected_float, delta, normalized_expected + normalized_delta, actual_float] end if relation_format format += <<-EOT Relation: #{relation_format} EOT arguments.concat(relation_arguments) end build_message(message, format, *arguments) end
# File test-unit-3.6.7/lib/test/unit/assertions.rb, line 1012 def _assert_in_delta_validate_arguments(expected_float, actual_float, delta) { expected_float => "first float", actual_float => "second float", delta => "delta" }.each do |float, name| assert_respond_to(float, :to_f, "The arguments must respond to to_f; " + "the #{name} did not") end delta = delta.to_f assert_operator(delta, :>=, 0.0, "The delta should not be negative") end
# File test-unit-3.6.7/lib/test/unit/assertions.rb, line 1216 def _assert_in_epsilon_message(expected_float, normalized_expected, actual_float, normalized_actual, epsilon, normalized_epsilon, delta, message, options={}) if options[:negative_assertion] format = <<-EOT <?> -/+ (<?> * <?>)[?] was expected to not include <?>. EOT else format = <<-EOT <?> -/+ (<?> * <?>)[?] was expected to include <?>. EOT end arguments = [expected_float, expected_float, epsilon, delta, actual_float] relation_format = nil relation_arguments = nil if normalized_actual < normalized_expected - delta relation_format = "<<?> < <?>-(<?>*<?>)[?] <= <?>+(<?>*<?>)[?]>" relation_arguments = [actual_float, expected_float, expected_float, epsilon, normalized_expected - delta, expected_float, expected_float, epsilon, normalized_expected + delta] elsif normalized_actual <= normalized_expected + delta relation_format = "<<?>-(<?>*<?>)[?] <= <?> <= <?>+(<?>*<?>)[?]>" relation_arguments = [expected_float, expected_float, epsilon, normalized_expected - delta, actual_float, expected_float, expected_float, epsilon, normalized_expected + delta] else relation_format = "<<?>-(<?>*<?>)[?] <= <?>+(<?>*<?>)[?] < <?>>" relation_arguments = [expected_float, expected_float, epsilon, normalized_expected - delta, expected_float, expected_float, epsilon, normalized_expected + delta, actual_float] end if relation_format format += <<-EOT Relation: #{relation_format} EOT arguments.concat(relation_arguments) end build_message(message, format, *arguments) end
# File test-unit-3.6.7/lib/test/unit/assertions.rb, line 1200 def _assert_in_epsilon_validate_arguments(expected_float, actual_float, epsilon) { expected_float => "first float", actual_float => "second float", epsilon => "epsilon" }.each do |float, name| assert_respond_to(float, :to_f, "The arguments must respond to to_f; " + "the #{name} did not") end epsilon = epsilon.to_f assert_operator(epsilon, :>=, 0.0, "The epsilon should not be negative") end
# File test-unit-3.6.7/lib/test/unit/assertions.rb, line 1944 def _assert_raise(assert_expected_exception, *args, &block) _wrap_assertion do if args.last.is_a?(String) message = args.pop else message = "" end assert_exception_helper = AssertExceptionHelper.new(self, args) expected = assert_exception_helper.expected_exceptions actual_exception = nil full_message = build_message(message, "<?> exception was expected " + "but none was thrown.", expected) assert_block(full_message) do begin yield false rescue Exception => actual_exception true end end assert_expected_exception.call(message, assert_exception_helper, actual_exception) actual_exception end end
# File test-unit-3.6.7/lib/test/unit/assertions.rb, line 1973 def _set_failed_information(failure, expected, actual) failure.expected = expected failure.actual = actual failure.inspected_expected = AssertionMessage.convert(expected) failure.inspected_actual = AssertionMessage.convert(actual) end
# File test-unit-3.6.7/lib/test/unit/assertions.rb, line 1910 def _wrap_assertion(&block) @_assertion_wrapped ||= false if @_assertion_wrapped block.call else @_assertion_wrapped = true begin add_assertion block.call ensure @_assertion_wrapped = false end end end