类 ObjectSpace::WeakMap
m = ObjectSpace::WeakMap.new key1 = "foo" val1 = Object.new m[key1] = val1 key2 = "bar" val2 = Object.new m[key2] = val2 m[key1] #=> #<Object:0x0...> m[key2] #=> #<Object:0x0...> val1 = nil # remove the other reference to value GC.start m[key1] #=> nil m.keys #=> ["bar"] key2 = nil # remove the other reference to key GC.start m[key2] #=> nil m.keys #=> []
(请注意,这里的 GC.start
另请参阅 ObjectSpace::WeakKeyMap
map[key] → value 点击切换源代码
如果找到,则返回与给定 key
如果未找到 key
,则返回 nil
static VALUE wmap_aref(VALUE self, VALUE key) { VALUE obj = wmap_lookup(self, key); return !UNDEF_P(obj) ? obj : Qnil; }
map[key] = value → value 点击切换源代码
将给定的 value
与给定的 key
如果给定的 key
存在,则将其值替换为给定的 value
static VALUE wmap_aset(VALUE self, VALUE key, VALUE val) { struct weakmap *w; TypedData_Get_Struct(self, struct weakmap, &weakmap_type, w); VALUE pair[2] = { key, val }; st_update(w->table, (st_data_t)pair, wmap_aset_replace, (st_data_t)pair); RB_OBJ_WRITTEN(self, Qundef, key); RB_OBJ_WRITTEN(self, Qundef, val); return Qnil; }
delete(key) → value or nil 点击切换源代码
delete(key) {|key| ... } → object
删除给定 key
如果没有给出块且找到 key
m = ObjectSpace::WeakMap.new key = "foo" m[key] = 1 m.delete(key) # => 1 m[key] # => nil
如果没有给出块且未找到 key
,则返回 nil
如果给出了块并且找到了 key
m = ObjectSpace::WeakMap.new key = "foo" m[key] = 2 m.delete(key) { |key| raise 'Will never happen'} # => 2
如果给出了块并且未找到 key
,则将 key
m = ObjectSpace::WeakMap.new m.delete("nosuch") { |key| "Key #{key} not found" } # => "Key nosuch not found"
static VALUE wmap_delete(VALUE self, VALUE key) { struct weakmap *w; TypedData_Get_Struct(self, struct weakmap, &weakmap_type, w); VALUE orig_key = key; st_data_t orig_key_data = (st_data_t)&orig_key; st_data_t orig_val_data; if (st_delete(w->table, &orig_key_data, &orig_val_data)) { VALUE orig_val = *(VALUE *)orig_val_data; rb_gc_remove_weak(self, (VALUE *)orig_key_data); rb_gc_remove_weak(self, (VALUE *)orig_val_data); struct weakmap_entry *entry = (struct weakmap_entry *)orig_key_data; ruby_sized_xfree(entry, sizeof(struct weakmap_entry)); if (wmap_live_p(orig_val)) { return orig_val; } } if (rb_block_given_p()) { return rb_yield(key); } else { return Qnil; } }
each {|key, val| ... } → self 点击切换源代码
迭代键和值。 请注意,与其他集合不同,不支持没有块的 each
static VALUE wmap_each(VALUE self) { struct weakmap *w; TypedData_Get_Struct(self, struct weakmap, &weakmap_type, w); wmap_foreach(w, wmap_each_i, (st_data_t)0); return self; }
别名也为: each_pair
each_key {|key| ... } → self 点击切换源代码
迭代键。 请注意,与其他集合不同,不支持没有块的 each_key
static VALUE wmap_each_key(VALUE self) { struct weakmap *w; TypedData_Get_Struct(self, struct weakmap, &weakmap_type, w); wmap_foreach(w, wmap_each_key_i, (st_data_t)0); return self; }
each_value {|val| ... } → self 点击切换源代码
迭代值。 请注意,与其他集合不同,不支持没有块的 each_value
static VALUE wmap_each_value(VALUE self) { struct weakmap *w; TypedData_Get_Struct(self, struct weakmap, &weakmap_type, w); wmap_foreach(w, wmap_each_value_i, (st_data_t)0); return self; }
include?(key) -> true or false 点击切换源代码
如果 key
是 self
中的键,则返回 true
,否则返回 false
static VALUE wmap_has_key(VALUE self, VALUE key) { return RBOOL(!UNDEF_P(wmap_lookup(self, key))); }
inspect() 点击切换源代码
static VALUE wmap_inspect(VALUE self) { VALUE c = rb_class_name(CLASS_OF(self)); struct weakmap *w; TypedData_Get_Struct(self, struct weakmap, &weakmap_type, w); VALUE str = rb_sprintf("-<%"PRIsVALUE":%p", c, (void *)self); wmap_foreach(w, wmap_inspect_i, (st_data_t)str); RSTRING_PTR(str)[0] = '#'; rb_str_cat2(str, ">"); return str; }
keys → new_array 点击切换源代码
返回一个新的 Array
static VALUE wmap_keys(VALUE self) { struct weakmap *w; TypedData_Get_Struct(self, struct weakmap, &weakmap_type, w); VALUE ary = rb_ary_new(); wmap_foreach(w, wmap_keys_i, (st_data_t)ary); return ary; }
size → number 点击切换源代码
static VALUE wmap_size(VALUE self) { struct weakmap *w; TypedData_Get_Struct(self, struct weakmap, &weakmap_type, w); st_index_t n = st_table_size(w->table); #if SIZEOF_ST_INDEX_T <= SIZEOF_LONG return ULONG2NUM(n); #else return ULL2NUM(n); #endif }
别名也为: length
values → new_array 点击切换源代码
返回一个新的 Array
static VALUE wmap_values(VALUE self) { struct weakmap *w; TypedData_Get_Struct(self, struct weakmap, &weakmap_type, w); VALUE ary = rb_ary_new(); wmap_foreach(w, wmap_values_i, (st_data_t)ary); return ary; }