class ErrorHighlight::Spotter
new(node, point_type: :name, name: nil) 点击切换源代码
# File error_highlight/base.rb, line 103 def initialize(node, point_type: :name, name: nil) @node = node @point_type = point_type @name = name # Not-implemented-yet options @arg = nil # Specify the index or keyword at which argument caused the TypeError/ArgumentError @multiline = false # Allow multiline spot @fetch = -> (lineno, last_lineno = lineno) do snippet = @node.script_lines[lineno - 1 .. last_lineno - 1].join("") snippet += "\n" unless snippet.end_with?("\n") # It require some work to support Unicode (or multibyte) characters. # Tentatively, we stop highlighting if the code snippet has non-ascii characters. # See raise NonAscii unless snippet.ascii_only? snippet end end
spot() 点击切换源代码
# File error_highlight/base.rb, line 128 def spot return nil unless @node if OPT_GETCONSTANT_PATH # In Ruby 3.2 or later, a nested constant access (like `Foo::Bar::Baz`) # is compiled to one instruction (opt_getconstant_path). # @node points to the node of the whole `Foo::Bar::Baz` even if `Foo` # or `Foo::Bar` causes NameError. # So we try to spot the sub-node that causes the NameError by using # `NameError#name`. case @node.type when :COLON2 subnodes = [] node = @node while node.type == :COLON2 node2, const = node.children subnodes << node if const == @name node = node2 end if node.type == :CONST || node.type == :COLON3 if node.children.first == @name subnodes << node end # If we found only one sub-node whose name is equal to @name, use it return nil if subnodes.size != 1 @node = subnodes.first else # Do nothing; opt_getconstant_path is used only when the const base is # NODE_CONST (`Foo`) or NODE_COLON3 (`::Foo`) end when :constant_path_node subnodes = [] node = @node begin subnodes << node if == @name end while (node = node.parent).is_a?(Prism::ConstantPathNode) if node.is_a?(Prism::ConstantReadNode) && == @name subnodes << node end # If we found only one sub-node whose name is equal to @name, use it return nil if subnodes.size != 1 @node = subnodes.first end end case @node.type when :CALL, :QCALL case @point_type when :name spot_call_for_name when :args spot_call_for_args end when :ATTRASGN case @point_type when :name spot_attrasgn_for_name when :args spot_attrasgn_for_args end when :OPCALL case @point_type when :name spot_opcall_for_name when :args spot_opcall_for_args end when :FCALL case @point_type when :name spot_fcall_for_name when :args spot_fcall_for_args end when :VCALL spot_vcall when :OP_ASGN1 case @point_type when :name spot_op_asgn1_for_name when :args spot_op_asgn1_for_args end when :OP_ASGN2 case @point_type when :name spot_op_asgn2_for_name when :args spot_op_asgn2_for_args end when :CONST spot_vcall when :COLON2 spot_colon2 when :COLON3 spot_vcall when :OP_CDECL spot_op_cdecl when :call_node case @point_type when :name prism_spot_call_for_name when :args prism_spot_call_for_args end when :local_variable_operator_write_node case @point_type when :name prism_spot_local_variable_operator_write_for_name when :args prism_spot_local_variable_operator_write_for_args end when :call_operator_write_node case @point_type when :name prism_spot_call_operator_write_for_name when :args prism_spot_call_operator_write_for_args end when :index_operator_write_node case @point_type when :name prism_spot_index_operator_write_for_name when :args prism_spot_index_operator_write_for_args end when :constant_read_node prism_spot_constant_read when :constant_path_node prism_spot_constant_path when :constant_path_operator_write_node prism_spot_constant_path_operator_write end if @snippet && @beg_column && @end_column && @beg_column < @end_column return { first_lineno: @beg_lineno, first_column: @beg_column, last_lineno: @end_lineno, last_column: @end_column, snippet: @snippet, script_lines: @node.script_lines, } else return nil end rescue NonAscii nil end
fetch_line(lineno) 点击切换源代码
# File error_highlight/base.rb, line 622 def fetch_line(lineno) @beg_lineno = @end_lineno = lineno @snippet = @fetch[lineno] end
prism_location(location) 点击切换源代码
从 prism 解析器获取位置并设置必要的实例变量。
# File error_highlight/base.rb, line 629 def prism_location(location) @beg_lineno = location.start_line @beg_column = location.start_column @end_lineno = location.end_line @end_column = location.end_column @snippet = @fetch[@beg_lineno, @end_lineno] end
prism_spot_call_for_args() 点击切换源代码
示例 ^^ x[42] ^^ = 1 ^ x[42] = 1 ^^^^^^^ x[] = 1 ^^^^^ x + 1 ^ foo(42) ^^ foo 42 ^^
# File error_highlight/base.rb, line 702 def prism_spot_call_for_args # Disallow highlighting arguments if there are no arguments. return if @node.arguments.nil? # Explicitly turn off foo.() syntax because error_highlight expects this # to not work. return nil if == :call && @node.message_loc.nil? if == :[]= && @node.opening == "[" && (@node.arguments&.arguments || []).length == 1 prism_location(@node.opening_loc.copy(start_offset: @node.opening_loc.start_offset + 1).join(@node.arguments.location)) else prism_location(@node.arguments.location) end end
prism_spot_call_for_name() 点击切换源代码
示例 ^^^^ ^^^^ x&.foo ^^^^^ x[42] ^^^^ = 1 ^^^^^^ x[42] = 1 ^^^^^^ x + 1 ^ +x ^ foo(42) ^^^ foo 42 ^^^ foo ^^^
# File error_highlight/base.rb, line 660 def prism_spot_call_for_name # Explicitly turn off foo.() syntax because error_highlight expects this # to not work. return nil if == :call && @node.message_loc.nil? location = @node.message_loc || @node.call_operator_loc || @node.location location = @node.call_operator_loc.join(location) if @node.call_operator_loc&.start_line == location.start_line # If the method name ends with "=" but the message does not, then this is # a method call using the "attribute assignment" syntax # (e.g., = 1). In this case we need to go retrieve the = sign and # add it to the location. if (name ="=") && !@node.message.end_with?("=") location = location.adjoin("=") end prism_location(location) if !name.end_with?("=") && !name.match?(/[[:alpha:]_\[]/) # If the method name is an operator, then error_highlight only # highlights the first line. fetch_line(location.start_line) end end
prism_spot_call_operator_write_for_args() 点击切换源代码
示例 += 42 ^^
# File error_highlight/base.rb, line 755 def prism_spot_call_operator_write_for_args prism_location(@node.value.location) end
prism_spot_call_operator_write_for_name() 点击切换源代码
示例 += 42 ^^^ (for foo) += 42 ^ (for +) += 42 ^^^^^^^ (for foo=)
# File error_highlight/base.rb, line 738 def prism_spot_call_operator_write_for_name if !@name.start_with?(/[[:alpha:]_]/) prism_location(@node.binary_operator_loc.chop) else location = @node.message_loc if @node.call_operator_loc.start_line == location.start_line location = @node.call_operator_loc.join(location) end location = location.adjoin("=") if @name.end_with?("=") prism_location(location) end end
prism_spot_constant_path() 点击切换源代码
Foo::Bar ^^^^^
# File error_highlight/base.rb, line 805 def prism_spot_constant_path if @node.parent && @node.parent.location.end_line == @node.location.end_line fetch_line(@node.parent.location.end_line) prism_location(@node.delimiter_loc.join(@node.name_loc)) else fetch_line(@node.location.end_line) location = @node.name_loc location = @node.delimiter_loc.join(location) if @node.delimiter_loc.end_line == location.start_line prism_location(location) end end
prism_spot_constant_path_operator_write() 点击切换源代码
Foo::Bar += 1 ^^^^^^^^
# File error_highlight/base.rb, line 820 def prism_spot_constant_path_operator_write if @name == (target = prism_location(target.delimiter_loc.join(target.name_loc)) else prism_location(@node.binary_operator_loc.chop) end end
prism_spot_constant_read() 点击切换源代码
Foo ^^^
# File error_highlight/base.rb, line 798 def prism_spot_constant_read prism_location(@node.location) end
prism_spot_index_operator_write_for_args() 点击切换源代码
x[1] += 42 ^^^^^^^^
# File error_highlight/base.rb, line 784 def prism_spot_index_operator_write_for_args opening_loc = if @node.arguments.nil? @node.opening_loc.copy(start_offset: @node.opening_loc.start_offset + 1) else @node.arguments.location end prism_location(opening_loc.join(@node.value.location)) end
prism_spot_index_operator_write_for_name() 点击切换源代码
x[1] += 42 ^^^ (for []) x[1] += 42 ^ (for +) x[1] += 42 ^^^^^^ (for []=)
# File error_highlight/base.rb, line 766 def prism_spot_index_operator_write_for_name case @name when :[] prism_location(@node.opening_loc.join(@node.closing_loc)) when :[]= prism_location(@node.opening_loc.join(@node.closing_loc).adjoin("=")) else # Explicitly turn off foo[] += 1 syntax when the operator is not on # the same line because error_highlight expects this to not work. return nil if @node.binary_operator_loc.start_line != @node.opening_loc.start_line prism_location(@node.binary_operator_loc.chop) end end
prism_spot_local_variable_operator_write_for_args() 点击切换源代码
x += 1 ^
# File error_highlight/base.rb, line 727 def prism_spot_local_variable_operator_write_for_args prism_location(@node.value.location) end
prism_spot_local_variable_operator_write_for_name() 点击切换源代码
x += 1 ^
# File error_highlight/base.rb, line 720 def prism_spot_local_variable_operator_write_for_name prism_location(@node.binary_operator_loc.chop) end
spot_attrasgn_for_args() 点击切换源代码
示例 = 1 ^ x[42] = 1 ^^^^^^^ x[] = 1 ^^^^^
# File error_highlight/base.rb, line 400 def spot_attrasgn_for_args nd_recv, mid, nd_args = @node.children fetch_line(nd_recv.last_lineno) if mid == :[]= && @snippet.match(/\G[\s)]*\[/, nd_recv.last_column) @beg_column = $~.end(0) if nd_recv.last_lineno == nd_args.last_lineno @end_column = nd_args.last_column end elsif nd_args && nd_args.first_lineno == nd_args.last_lineno @beg_column = nd_args.first_column @end_column = nd_args.last_column end # TODO: support @arg end
spot_attrasgn_for_name() 点击切换源代码
示例 = 1 ^^^^^^ x[42] = 1 ^^^^^^
# File error_highlight/base.rb, line 374 def spot_attrasgn_for_name nd_recv, mid, nd_args = @node.children *nd_args, _nd_last_arg, _nil = nd_args.children fetch_line(nd_recv.last_lineno) if mid == :[]= && @snippet.match(/\G[\s)]*(\[)/, nd_recv.last_column) @beg_column = $~.begin(1) args_last_column = $~.end(0) if nd_args.last && nd_recv.last_lineno == nd_args.last.last_lineno args_last_column = nd_args.last.last_column end if @snippet.match(/[\s)]*\]\s*=/, args_last_column) @end_column = $~.end(0) end elsif @snippet.match(/\G[\s)]*(\.\s*#{ Regexp.quote(mid.to_s.sub(/=\z/, "")) }\s*=)/, nd_recv.last_column) @beg_column = $~.begin(1) @end_column = $~.end(1) end end
spot_call_for_args() 点击切换源代码
示例 ^^ x[42] ^^ x += 1 ^
# File error_highlight/base.rb, line 359 def spot_call_for_args _nd_recv, _mid, nd_args = @node.children if nd_args && nd_args.first_lineno == nd_args.last_lineno fetch_line(nd_args.first_lineno) @beg_column = nd_args.first_column @end_column = nd_args.last_column end # TODO: support @arg end
spot_call_for_name() 点击切换源代码
示例 ^^^^ ^^^^ x&.foo ^^^^^ x[42] ^^^^ x += 1 ^
# File error_highlight/base.rb, line 315 def spot_call_for_name nd_recv, mid, nd_args = @node.children lineno = nd_recv.last_lineno lines = @fetch[lineno, @node.last_lineno] if mid == :[] && lines.match(/\G[\s)]*(\[(?:\s*\])?)/, nd_recv.last_column) @beg_column = $~.begin(1) @snippet = lines[/.*\n/] @beg_lineno = @end_lineno = lineno if nd_args if nd_recv.last_lineno == nd_args.last_lineno && @snippet.match(/\s*\]/, nd_args.last_column) @end_column = $~.end(0) end else if lines.match(/\G[\s)]*?\[\s*\]/, nd_recv.last_column) @end_column = $~.end(0) end end elsif lines.match(/\G[\s)]*?(\&?\.)(\s*?)(#{ Regexp.quote(mid) }).*\n/, nd_recv.last_column) lines = $` + $& @beg_column = $~.begin($2.include?("\n") ? 3 : 1) @end_column = $~.end(3) if i = lines[..@beg_column].rindex("\n") @beg_lineno = @end_lineno = lineno + lines[..@beg_column].count("\n") @snippet = lines[i + 1..] @beg_column -= i + 1 @end_column -= i + 1 else @snippet = lines @beg_lineno = @end_lineno = lineno end elsif mid.to_s =~ /\A\W+\z/ && lines.match(/\G\s*(#{ Regexp.quote(mid) })=.*\n/, nd_recv.last_column) @snippet = $` + $& @beg_column = $~.begin(1) @end_column = $~.end(1) end end
spot_colon2() 点击切换源代码
Foo::Bar ^^^^^
# File error_highlight/base.rb, line 578 def spot_colon2 nd_parent, const = @node.children if nd_parent.last_lineno == @node.last_lineno fetch_line(nd_parent.last_lineno) @beg_column = nd_parent.last_column @end_column = @node.last_column else @snippet = @fetch[@node.last_lineno] if @snippet[...@node.last_column].match(/#{ Regexp.quote(const) }\z/) @beg_column = $~.begin(0) @end_column = $~.end(0) end end end
spot_fcall_for_args() 点击切换源代码
foo(42) ^^ foo 42 ^^
# File error_highlight/base.rb, line 470 def spot_fcall_for_args _mid, nd_args = @node.children if nd_args && nd_args.first_lineno == nd_args.last_lineno # binary operator fetch_line(nd_args.first_lineno) @beg_column = nd_args.first_column @end_column = nd_args.last_column end end
spot_fcall_for_name() 点击切换源代码
foo(42) ^^^ foo 42 ^^^
# File error_highlight/base.rb, line 456 def spot_fcall_for_name mid, _nd_args = @node.children fetch_line(@node.first_lineno) if @snippet.match(/(#{ Regexp.quote(mid) })/, @node.first_column) @beg_column = $~.begin(1) @end_column = $~.end(1) end end
spot_op_asgn1_for_args() 点击切换源代码
x[1] += 42 ^^^^^^^^
# File error_highlight/base.rb, line 523 def spot_op_asgn1_for_args nd_recv, mid, nd_args, nd_rhs = @node.children fetch_line(nd_recv.last_lineno) if mid == :[]= && @snippet.match(/\G\s*\[/, nd_recv.last_column) @beg_column = $~.end(0) if nd_recv.last_lineno == nd_rhs.last_lineno @end_column = nd_rhs.last_column end elsif nd_args && nd_args.first_lineno == nd_rhs.last_lineno @beg_column = nd_args.first_column @end_column = nd_rhs.last_column end # TODO: support @arg end
spot_op_asgn1_for_name() 点击切换源代码
x[1] += 42 ^^^ (for []) x[1] += 42 ^ (for +) x[1] += 42 ^^^^^^ (for []=)
# File error_highlight/base.rb, line 498 def spot_op_asgn1_for_name nd_recv, op, nd_args, _nd_rhs = @node.children fetch_line(nd_recv.last_lineno) if @snippet.match(/\G[\s)]*(\[)/, nd_recv.last_column) bracket_beg_column = $~.begin(1) args_last_column = $~.end(0) if nd_args && nd_recv.last_lineno == nd_args.last_lineno args_last_column = nd_args.last_column end if @snippet.match(/\s*\](\s*)(#{ Regexp.quote(op) })=()/, args_last_column) case @name when :[], :[]= @beg_column = bracket_beg_column @end_column = $~.begin(@name == :[] ? 1 : 3) when op @beg_column = $~.begin(2) @end_column = $~.end(2) end end end end
spot_op_asgn2_for_args() 点击切换源代码
示例 += 42 ^^
# File error_highlight/base.rb, line 566 def spot_op_asgn2_for_args _nd_recv, _qcall, _attr, _op, nd_rhs = @node.children if nd_rhs.first_lineno == nd_rhs.last_lineno fetch_line(nd_rhs.first_lineno) @beg_column = nd_rhs.first_column @end_column = nd_rhs.last_column end end
spot_op_asgn2_for_name() 点击切换源代码
示例 += 42 ^^^ (for foo) += 42 ^ (for +) += 42 ^^^^^^^ (for foo=)
# File error_highlight/base.rb, line 545 def spot_op_asgn2_for_name nd_recv, _qcall, attr, op, _nd_rhs = @node.children fetch_line(nd_recv.last_lineno) if @snippet.match(/\G[\s)]*(\.)\s*#{ Regexp.quote(attr) }()\s*(#{ Regexp.quote(op) })(=)/, nd_recv.last_column) case @name when attr @beg_column = $~.begin(1) @end_column = $~.begin(2) when op @beg_column = $~.begin(3) @end_column = $~.end(3) when :"#{ attr }=" @beg_column = $~.begin(1) @end_column = $~.end(4) end end end
spot_op_cdecl() 点击切换源代码
Foo::Bar += 1 ^^^^^^^^
# File error_highlight/base.rb, line 596 def spot_op_cdecl nd_lhs, op, _nd_rhs = @node.children *nd_parent_lhs, _const = nd_lhs.children if @name == op @snippet = @fetch[nd_lhs.last_lineno] if @snippet.match(/\G\s*(#{ Regexp.quote(op) })=/, nd_lhs.last_column) @beg_column = $~.begin(1) @end_column = $~.end(1) end else # constant access error @end_column = nd_lhs.last_column if nd_parent_lhs.empty? # example: ::C += 1 if nd_lhs.first_lineno == nd_lhs.last_lineno @snippet = @fetch[nd_lhs.last_lineno] @beg_column = nd_lhs.first_column end else # example: Foo::Bar::C += 1 if nd_parent_lhs.last.last_lineno == nd_lhs.last_lineno @snippet = @fetch[nd_lhs.last_lineno] @beg_column = nd_parent_lhs.last.last_column end end end end
spot_opcall_for_args() 点击切换源代码
x + 1 ^
# File error_highlight/base.rb, line 441 def spot_opcall_for_args _nd_recv, _op, nd_arg = @node.children if nd_arg && nd_arg.first_lineno == nd_arg.last_lineno # binary operator fetch_line(nd_arg.first_lineno) @beg_column = nd_arg.first_column @end_column = nd_arg.last_column end end
spot_opcall_for_name() 点击切换源代码
x + 1 ^ +x ^
# File error_highlight/base.rb, line 420 def spot_opcall_for_name nd_recv, op, nd_arg = @node.children fetch_line(nd_recv.last_lineno) if nd_arg # binary operator if @snippet.match(/\G[\s)]*(#{ Regexp.quote(op) })/, nd_recv.last_column) @beg_column = $~.begin(1) @end_column = $~.end(1) end else # unary operator if @snippet[...nd_recv.first_column].match(/(#{ Regexp.quote(op.to_s.sub(/@\z/, "")) })\s*\(?\s*\z/) @beg_column = $~.begin(1) @end_column = $~.end(1) end end end
spot_vcall() 点击切换源代码
foo ^^^
# File error_highlight/base.rb, line 483 def spot_vcall if @node.first_lineno == @node.last_lineno fetch_line(@node.last_lineno) @beg_column = @node.first_column @end_column = @node.last_column end end