class RBS::CLI
new(stdout:, stderr:) 点击切换源代码
# File rbs-3.8.0/lib/rbs/cli.rb, line 91 def initialize(stdout:, stderr:) @stdout = stdout @stderr = stderr end
autoload(name, path) 点击切换源代码
# File rbs-3.8.0/lib/rbs/cli.rb, line 611 def autoload(name, path) super end
collection_options(args) 点击切换源代码
# File rbs-3.8.0/lib/rbs/cli.rb, line 1116 def collection_options(args) do |opts| opts.banner = <<~HELP Usage: rbs collection [install|update|init|clean|help] Manage RBS collection, which contains third party RBS. Examples: # Initialize the configuration file $ rbs collection init # Generate the lock file and install RBSs from the lock file $ rbs collection install # Update the RBSs $ rbs collection update Options: HELP opts.on('--frozen') if args[0] == 'install' end end
has_parser?() 点击切换源代码
# File rbs-3.8.0/lib/rbs/cli.rb, line 111 def has_parser? defined?(RubyVM::AbstractSyntaxTree) ? true : false end
parse_logging_options(opts) 点击切换源代码
# File rbs-3.8.0/lib/rbs/cli.rb, line 98 def parse_logging_options(opts) opts.on("--log-level LEVEL", "Specify log level (defaults to `warn`)") do |level| RBS.logger_level = level end opts.on("--log-output OUTPUT", "Specify the file to output log (defaults to stderr)") do |output| io =, "a") or raise RBS.logger_output = io end opts end
run(args) 点击切换源代码
# File rbs-3.8.0/lib/rbs/cli.rb, line 115 def run(args) @original_args = args.dup options = opts = opts.banner = <<~USAGE Usage: rbs [options...] [command...] Available commands: #{COMMANDS.join(", ")}, version, help. Options: USAGE options.setup_library_options(opts) parse_logging_options(opts) opts.version = RBS::VERSION opts.order!(args) command = args.shift&.to_sym case command when :version stdout.puts opts.ver when *COMMANDS __send__ :"run_#{command}", args, options else stdout.puts end end
run_ancestors(args, options) 点击切换源代码
# File rbs-3.8.0/lib/rbs/cli.rb, line 260 def run_ancestors(args, options) # @type var kind: :instance | :singleton kind = :instance do |opts| opts.banner = <<EOU Usage: rbs ancestors [options...] [type_name] Show ancestors of the given class or module. Examples: $ rbs ancestors --instance String $ rbs ancestors --singleton Array Options: EOU opts.on("--instance", "Ancestors of instance of the given type_name (default)") { kind = :instance } opts.on("--singleton", "Ancestors of singleton of the given type_name") { kind = :singleton } end.order!(args) unless args.size == 1 stdout.puts "Expected one argument." return end loader = options.loader() env = Environment.from_loader(loader).resolve_type_names builder = env) type_name = TypeName.parse(args[0]).absolute! case env.constant_entry(type_name) when Environment::ClassEntry, Environment::ModuleEntry, Environment::ClassAliasEntry, Environment::ModuleAliasEntry type_name = env.normalize_module_name(type_name) ancestors = case kind when :instance builder.instance_ancestors(type_name) when :singleton builder.singleton_ancestors(type_name) else raise end ancestors.ancestors.each do |ancestor| case ancestor when Definition::Ancestor::Singleton stdout.puts "singleton(#{})" when Definition::Ancestor::Instance if ancestor.args.empty? stdout.puts else stdout.puts "#{}[#{ancestor.args.join(", ")}]" end end end else stdout.puts "Cannot find class: #{type_name}" end end
run_annotate(args, options) 点击切换源代码
# File rbs-3.8.0/lib/rbs/cli.rb, line 934 def run_annotate(args, options) require "rbs/annotate" source = annotator = source) preserve = true do |opts| opts.banner = <<-EOB Usage: rbs annotate [options...] [files...] Import documents from RDoc and update RBS files. Examples: $ rbs annotate stdlib/pathname/**/*.rbs Options: EOB opts.on("--[no-]system", "Load RDoc from system (defaults to true)") {|b| source.with_system_dir = b } opts.on("--[no-]gems", "Load RDoc from gems (defaults to false)") {|b| source.with_gems_dir = b } opts.on("--[no-]site", "Load RDoc from site directory (defaults to false)") {|b| source.with_site_dir = b } opts.on("--[no-]home", "Load RDoc from home directory (defaults to false)") {|b| source.with_home_dir = b } opts.on("-d", "--dir DIRNAME", "Load RDoc from DIRNAME") {|d| source.extra_dirs << Pathname(d) } opts.on("--[no-]arglists", "Generate arglists section (defaults to true)") {|b| annotator.include_arg_lists = b } opts.on("--[no-]filename", "Include source file name in the documentation (defaults to true)") {|b| annotator.include_filename = b } opts.on("--[no-]preserve", "Try preserve the format of the original file (defaults to true)") {|b| preserve = b } end.parse!(args) source.load() args.each do |file| path = Pathname(file) if Pathname.glob((path + "**/*.rbs").to_s).each do |path| stdout.puts "Processing #{path}..." annotator.annotate_file(path, preserve: preserve) end else stdout.puts "Processing #{path}..." annotator.annotate_file(path, preserve: preserve) end end end
run_ast(args, options) 点击切换源代码
# File rbs-3.8.0/lib/rbs/cli.rb, line 146 def run_ast(args, options) do |opts| opts.banner = <<EOB Usage: rbs ast [patterns...] Print JSON AST of loaded environment. You can specify patterns to filter declarations with the file names. Examples: $ rbs ast $ rbs ast 'basic_object.rbs' $ rbs -I ./sig ast ./sig $ rbs -I ./sig ast '*/models/*.rbs' EOB end.order!(args) patterns = do |arg| path = Pathname(arg) if path.exist? # Pathname means a directory or a file path else # String means a `fnmatch` pattern arg end end loader = options.loader() env = Environment.from_loader(loader).resolve_type_names decls = do |decl| loc = decl.location or raise # @type var name: String name = patterns.empty? || patterns.any? do |pat| case pat when Pathname Pathname(name).ascend.any? {|p| p == pat } when String name.end_with?(pat) || File.fnmatch(pat, name, File::FNM_EXTGLOB) end end end stdout.print JSON.generate(decls) stdout.flush end
run_collection(args, options) 点击切换源代码
# File rbs-3.8.0/lib/rbs/cli.rb, line 1055 def run_collection(args, options) require 'bundler' opts = collection_options(args) params = {} #: Hash[Symbol, untyped] opts.order args.drop(1), into: params config_path = options.config_path or raise lock_path = Collection::Config.to_lockfile_path(config_path) case args[0] when 'install', 'instal', 'insta', 'inst', 'ins', 'in', 'i' unless params[:frozen] Collection::Config.generate_lockfile(config_path: config_path, definition: Bundler.definition) end lock_path, stdout: stdout).install_from_lockfile when 'update', 'updat', 'upda', 'upd', 'up', 'u' # TODO: Be aware of argv to update only specified gem Collection::Config.generate_lockfile(config_path: config_path, definition: Bundler.definition, with_lockfile: false) lock_path, stdout: stdout).install_from_lockfile when 'init' if config_path.exist? puts "#{config_path} already exists" exit 1 end config_path.write(<<~'YAML') # Download sources sources: - type: git name: ruby/gem_rbs_collection remote: revision: main repo_dir: gems # You can specify local directories as sources also. # - type: local # path: path/to/your/local/repository # A directory to install the downloaded RBSs path: .gem_rbs_collection # gems: # # If you want to avoid installing rbs files for gems, you can specify them here. # - name: GEM_NAME # ignore: true YAML stdout.puts "created: #{config_path}" when 'clean' unless lock_path.exist? puts "#{lock_path} should exist to clean" exit 1 end lock_path) when 'help', 'hel', 'he', 'h' puts else puts exit 1 end end
run_constant(args, options) 点击切换源代码
# File rbs-3.8.0/lib/rbs/cli.rb, line 450 def run_constant(args, options) # @type var context: String? context = nil do |opts| opts.banner = <<EOU Usage: rbs constant [options...] [name] Resolve constant based on RBS. Examples: $ rbs constant ::Object $ rbs constant UTF_8 $ rbs constant --context=::Encoding UTF_8 Options: EOU opts.on("--context CONTEXT", "Name of the module where the constant resolution starts") {|c| context = c } end.order!(args) unless args.size == 1 stdout.puts "Expected one argument." return end loader = options.loader() env = Environment.from_loader(loader).resolve_type_names builder = env) resolver = builder) resolver_context = context ? [nil, TypeName.parse(context).absolute!] : nil #: Resolver::context stdout.puts "Context: #{context}" const_name = TypeName.parse(args[0]) stdout.puts "Constant name: #{const_name}" if const_name.absolute? constant = resolver.table.constant(const_name) else head, *components = const_name.to_namespace.path head or raise constant = resolver.resolve(head, context: resolver_context) constant = components.inject(constant) do |const, component| if const resolver.resolve_child(, component) end end end if constant stdout.puts " => #{}: #{constant.type}" else stdout.puts " => [no constant]" end end
run_diff(argv, library_options) 点击切换源代码
# File rbs-3.8.0/lib/rbs/cli.rb, line 1219 def run_diff(argv, library_options) argv, library_options: library_options, stdout: stdout, stderr: stderr).run end
run_list(args, options) 点击切换源代码
# File rbs-3.8.0/lib/rbs/cli.rb, line 197 def run_list(args, options) # @type var list: Set[:class | :module | :interface] list = Set[] do |opts| opts.banner = <<EOB Usage: rbs list [options...] List classes, modules, and interfaces. Examples: $ rbs list $ rbs list --class --module --interface Options: EOB opts.on("--class", "List classes") { list << :class } opts.on("--module", "List modules") { list << :module } opts.on("--interface", "List interfaces") { list << :interface } end.order!(args) list.merge(_ = [:class, :module, :interface]) if list.empty? loader = options.loader() env = Environment.from_loader(loader).resolve_type_names if list.include?(:class) || list.include?(:module) env.class_decls.each do |name, entry| case entry when Environment::ModuleEntry if list.include?(:module) stdout.puts "#{name} (module)" end when Environment::ClassEntry if list.include?(:class) stdout.puts "#{name} (class)" end end end env.class_alias_decls.each do |name, entry| case entry when Environment::ModuleAliasEntry if list.include?(:module) stdout.puts "#{name} (module alias)" end when Environment::ClassAliasEntry if list.include?(:class) stdout.puts "#{name} (class alias)" end end end end if list.include?(:interface) env.interface_decls.each do |name, entry| stdout.puts "#{name} (interface)" end end end
run_method(args, options) 点击切换源代码
# File rbs-3.8.0/lib/rbs/cli.rb, line 379 def run_method(args, options) # @type var kind: :instance | :singleton kind = :instance do |opts| opts.banner = <<EOU Usage: rbs method [options...] [type_name] [method_name] Show the information of the method specified by type_name and method_name. Examples: $ rbs method --instance Kernel puts $ rbs method --singleton String try_convert Options: EOU opts.on("--instance", "Show an instance method (default)") { kind = :instance } opts.on("--singleton", "Show a singleton method") { kind = :singleton } end.order!(args) unless args.size == 2 stdout.puts "Expected two arguments, but given #{args.size}." return end loader = options.loader() env = Environment.from_loader(loader).resolve_type_names builder = env) type_name = TypeName.parse(args[0]).absolute! method_name = args[1].to_sym unless env.module_name?(type_name) stdout.puts "Cannot find class: #{type_name}" return end definition = case kind when :instance builder.build_instance(type_name) when :singleton builder.build_singleton(type_name) else raise end method = definition.methods[method_name] unless method stdout.puts "Cannot find method: #{method_name}" return end stdout.puts "#{type_name}#{kind == :instance ? "#" : "."}#{method_name}" stdout.puts " defined_in: #{method.defined_in}" stdout.puts " implementation: #{method.implemented_in}" stdout.puts " accessibility: #{method.accessibility}" stdout.puts " types:" separator = " " length_max = { |type| type.to_s.length }.max or raise method.method_types.each do |type| stdout.puts format(" %s %-#{length_max}s at %s", separator, type, type.location) separator = "|" end end
run_methods(args, options) 点击切换源代码
# File rbs-3.8.0/lib/rbs/cli.rb, line 323 def run_methods(args, options) # @type var kind: :instance | :singleton kind = :instance inherit = true do |opts| opts.banner = <<EOU Usage: rbs methods [options...] [type_name] Show methods defined in the class or module. Examples: $ rbs methods --instance Kernel $ rbs methods --singleton --no-inherit String Options: EOU opts.on("--instance", "Show instance methods (default)") { kind = :instance } opts.on("--singleton", "Show singleton methods") { kind = :singleton } opts.on("--[no-]inherit", "Show methods defined in super class and mixed modules too") {|v| inherit = v } end.order!(args) unless args.size == 1 stdout.puts "Expected one argument." return end loader = options.loader() env = Environment.from_loader(loader).resolve_type_names builder = env) type_name = TypeName.parse(args[0]).absolute! if env.module_name?(type_name) definition = case kind when :instance builder.build_instance(type_name) when :singleton builder.build_singleton(type_name) else raise end definition.methods.keys.sort.each do |name| method = definition.methods[name] if inherit || method.implemented_in == type_name stdout.puts "#{name} (#{method.accessibility})" end end else stdout.puts "Cannot find class: #{type_name}" end end
run_parse(args, options) 点击切换源代码
# File rbs-3.8.0/lib/rbs/cli.rb, line 886 def run_parse(args, options) parse_method = :parse_signature # @type var e_code: String? e_code = nil do |opts| opts.banner = <<-EOB Usage: rbs parse [files...] Parse given RBS files and print syntax errors. Examples: $ rbs parse sig/app/models.rbs sig/app/controllers.rbs Options: EOB opts.on('-e CODE', 'One line RBS script to parse') { |e| e_code = e } opts.on('--type', 'Parse code as a type') { |e| parse_method = :parse_type } opts.on('--method-type', 'Parse code as a method type') { |e| parse_method = :parse_method_type } end.parse!(args) syntax_error = false bufs = args.flat_map do |path| path = Pathname(path) FileFinder.each_file(path, skip_hidden: false).map do |file_path|, name: file_path) end end bufs << e_code, name: '-e') if e_code bufs.each do |buf| "Parsing #{}..." case parse_method when :parse_signature Parser.parse_signature(buf) else Parser.public_send(parse_method, buf, require_eof: true) end rescue RBS::ParsingError => ex stdout.print ex.detailed_message(highlight: true) syntax_error = true end exit 1 if syntax_error end
run_paths(args, options) 点击切换源代码
# File rbs-3.8.0/lib/rbs/cli.rb, line 508 def run_paths(args, options) do |opts| opts.banner = <<EOU Usage: rbs paths Show paths to directories where the RBS files are loaded from. Examples: $ rbs paths $ rbs -r set paths EOU end.parse!(args) loader = options.loader() kind_of = -> (path) { # @type var path: Pathname case when path.file? "file" when "dir" when !path.exist? "absent" else "unknown" end } loader.each_dir do |source, dir| case source when :core stdout.puts "#{dir} (#{kind_of[dir]}, core)" when Pathname stdout.puts "#{dir} (#{kind_of[dir]})" when EnvironmentLoader::Library stdout.puts "#{dir} (#{kind_of[dir]}, library, name=#{})" end end end
run_prototype(args, options) 点击切换源代码
# File rbs-3.8.0/lib/rbs/cli.rb, line 550 def run_prototype(args, options) format = args.shift case format when "rbi", "rb" run_prototype_file(format, args) when "runtime" require_libs = [] #: Array[String] relative_libs = [] #: Array[String] merge = false todo = false owners_included = [] #: Array[Symbol] outline = false autoload = false do |opts| opts.banner = <<EOU Usage: rbs prototype runtime [options...] [pattern...] Generate RBS prototype based on runtime introspection. It loads Ruby code specified in [options] and generates RBS prototypes for classes matches to [pattern]. Examples: $ rbs prototype runtime String $ rbs prototype runtime --require set Set $ rbs prototype runtime -R lib/rbs RBS RBS::* Options: EOU opts.on("-r", "--require LIB", "Load library using `require`") do |lib| require_libs << lib end opts.on("-R", "--require-relative LIB", "Load library using `require_relative`") do |lib| relative_libs << lib end opts.on("--merge", "Merge generated prototype RBS with existing RBS") do merge = true end opts.on("--todo", "Generates only undefined methods compared to objects") do Warning.warn("Geneating prototypes with `--todo` option is experimental\n", category: :experimental) todo = true end opts.on("--method-owner CLASS", "Generate method prototypes if the owner of the method is [CLASS]") do |klass| owners_included << klass.to_sym end opts.on("--outline", "Generates only module/class/constant declaration (no method definition)") do outline = true end opts.on("--autoload", "Load all autoload path") do autoload = true end end.parse!(args) loader = options.loader() env = Environment.from_loader(loader).resolve_type_names # @type var autoloader: ^() { () -> void } -> void autoloader = ->(&block) { if autoload hook = do def autoload(name, path) super end end ::Module.prepend(hook) ::Kernel.prepend(hook) arguments = [] #: Array[[Module, interned]] do |tp| base = tp.self.kind_of?(Module) ? tp.self : Kernel #: Module name = (tp.binding or raise).local_variable_get(:name) arguments << [base, name] end.enable(target: hook.instance_method(:autoload), &block) arguments.each do |(base, name)| begin base.const_get(name) rescue LoadError, StandardError end end else end } do require_libs.each do |lib| require(lib) end relative_libs.each do |lib| eval("require_relative(lib)", binding, "rbs") end end runtime = args, env: env, merge: merge, todo: todo, owners_included: owners_included) runtime.outline = outline decls = runtime.decls writer = stdout) writer.write decls else stdout.puts <<EOU Usage: rbs prototype [generator...] [args...] Generate prototype of RBS files. Supported generators are rb, rbi, runtime. Examples: $ rbs prototype rb foo.rb $ rbs prototype rbi foo.rbi $ rbs prototype runtime String EOU exit 1 end end
run_prototype_file(format, args) 点击切换源代码
# File rbs-3.8.0/lib/rbs/cli.rb, line 668 def run_prototype_file(format, args) availability = unless has_parser? "\n** This command does not work on this interpreter (#{RUBY_ENGINE}) **\n" end # @type var output_dir: Pathname? output_dir = nil # @type var base_dir: Pathname? base_dir = nil # @type var force: bool force = false opts = opts.banner = <<EOU Usage: rbs prototype #{format} [files...] #{availability} Generate RBS prototype from source code. It parses specified Ruby code and and generates RBS prototypes. It only works on MRI because it parses Ruby code with `RubyVM::AbstractSyntaxTree`. Examples: $ rbs prototype rb lib/foo.rb $ rbs prototype rbi sorbet/rbi/foo.rbi You can run the tool in *batch* mode by passing `--out-dir` option. $ rbs prototype rb --out-dir=sig lib/foo.rb $ rbs prototype rbi --out-dir=sig/models --base-dir=app/models app/models EOU opts.on("--out-dir=DIR", "Specify the path to save the generated RBS files") do |path| output_dir = Pathname(path) end opts.on("--base-dir=DIR", "Specify the path to calculate the relative path to save the generated RBS files") do |path| base_dir = Pathname(path) end opts.on("--force", "Overwrite existing RBS files") do force = true end opts.parse!(args) unless has_parser? stdout.puts "Not supported on this interpreter (#{RUBY_ENGINE})." exit 1 end if args.empty? stdout.puts opts return nil end new_parser = -> do case format when "rbi" when "rb" else raise end end input_paths = {|arg| Pathname(arg) } if output_dir # @type var skip_paths: Array[Pathname] skip_paths = [] # batch mode input_paths.each do |path| stdout.puts "Processing `#{path}`..." ruby_files = if path.file? [path] else path.glob("**/*.rb").sort end ruby_files.each do |file_path| stdout.puts " Generating RBS for `#{file_path}`..." relative_path = if base_dir file_path.relative_path_from(base_dir) else if top = file_path.descend.first case when top == Pathname("lib") file_path.relative_path_from(top) when top == Pathname("app") file_path.relative_path_from(top) else file_path end else file_path end end relative_path = relative_path.cleanpath() if relative_path.absolute? || relative_path.descend.first&.to_s == ".." stdout.puts " ⚠️ Cannot write the RBS to outside of the output dir: `#{relative_path}`" next end output_path = (output_dir + relative_path).sub_ext(".rbs") parser = new_parser[] begin parser.parse rescue SyntaxError stdout.puts " ⚠️ Unable to parse due to SyntaxError: `#{file_path}`" next end if output_path.file? if force stdout.puts " - Writing RBS to existing file `#{output_path}`..." else stdout.puts " - Skipping existing file `#{output_path}`..." skip_paths << file_path next end else stdout.puts " - Writing RBS to `#{output_path}`..." end (output_path.parent).mkpath"w") do |io| writer = io) writer.write(parser.decls) end end end unless skip_paths.empty? stdout.puts stdout.puts ">>>> Skipped existing #{skip_paths.size} files. Use `--force` option to update the files." command = original_args.take(original_args.size - input_paths.size) skip_paths.take(10).each do |path| stdout.puts " #{defined?(Bundler) ? "bundle exec " : ""}rbs #{Shellwords.join(command)} --force #{Shellwords.escape(path.to_s)}" end if skip_paths.size > 10 stdout.puts " ..." end end else # file mode parser = new_parser[] input_paths.each do |file| parser.parse end writer = stdout) writer.write parser.decls end end
run_subtract(args, _) 点击切换源代码
# File rbs-3.8.0/lib/rbs/cli.rb, line 1140 def run_subtract(args, _) write_to_file = false # @type var subtrahend_paths: Array[String] subtrahend_paths = [] opts = do |opts| opts.banner = <<~HELP Usage: rbs subtract [options...] minuend.rbs [minuend2.rbs, ...] subtrahend.rbs rbs subtract [options...] minuend.rbs [minuend2.rbs, ...] --subtrahend subtrahend_1.rbs --subtrahend subtrahend_2.rbs Remove duplications between RBS files. Examples: # Generate RBS files from the codebase. $ rbs prototype rb lib/ > generated.rbs # Write more descrictive types by hand. $ $EDITOR handwritten.rbs # Remove hand-written method definitions from generated.rbs. $ rbs subtract --write generated.rbs handwritten.rbs Options: HELP opts.on('-w', '--write', 'Overwrite files directry') { write_to_file = true } opts.on('--subtrahend=PATH', '') { |path| subtrahend_paths << path } opts.parse!(args) end if subtrahend_paths.empty? *minuend_paths, subtrahend_path = args unless subtrahend_path stdout.puts exit 1 end subtrahend_paths << subtrahend_path else minuend_paths = args end if minuend_paths.empty? stdout.puts exit 1 end subtrahend = do |env| loader = nil) subtrahend_paths.each do |path| loader.add(path: Pathname(path)) end loader.load(env: env) end minuend_paths.each do |minuend_path| FileFinder.each_file(Pathname(minuend_path), skip_hidden: true) do |rbs_path| buf = rbs_path, content: _, dirs, decls = Parser.parse_signature(buf) subtracted =, subtrahend).call io = w = io) w.write(dirs) w.write(subtracted) if write_to_file if io.string.empty? rbs_path.delete else rbs_path.write(io.string) end else stdout.puts(io.string) end end end end
run_test(args, options) 点击切换源代码
# File rbs-3.8.0/lib/rbs/cli.rb, line 991 def run_test(args, options) # @type var unchecked_classes: Array[String] unchecked_classes = [] # @type var targets: Array[String] targets = [] # @type var sample_size: String? sample_size = nil # @type var double_suite: String? double_suite = nil (opts = do |opts| opts.banner = <<EOB Usage: rbs [rbs options...] test [test options...] COMMAND Examples: $ rbs test rake test $ rbs --log-level=debug test --target SomeModule::* rspec $ rbs test --target SomeModule::* --target AnotherModule::* --target SomeClass rake test Options: EOB opts.on("--target TARGET", "Sets the runtime test target") do |target| targets << target end opts.on("--sample-size SAMPLE_SIZE", "Sets the sample size") do |size| sample_size = size end opts.on("--unchecked-class UNCHECKED_CLASS", "Sets the class that would not be checked") do |unchecked_class| unchecked_classes << unchecked_class end opts.on("--double-suite DOUBLE_SUITE", "Sets the double suite in use (currently supported: rspec | minitest)") do |suite| double_suite = suite end end).order!(args) if stdout.puts exit 1 end # @type var env_hash: Hash[String, String?] env_hash = { 'RUBYOPT' => "#{ENV['RUBYOPT']} -rrbs/test/setup", 'RBS_TEST_OPT' => test_opt(options), 'RBS_TEST_LOGLEVEL' => %w(DEBUG INFO WARN ERROR FATAL)[RBS.logger_level || 5] || "UNKNOWN", 'RBS_TEST_SAMPLE_SIZE' => sample_size, 'RBS_TEST_DOUBLE_SUITE' => double_suite, 'RBS_TEST_UNCHECKED_CLASSES' => (unchecked_classes.join(',') unless unchecked_classes.empty?), 'RBS_TEST_TARGET' => (targets.join(',') unless targets.empty?) } # @type var out: String # @type var err: String out, err, status = __skip__ = Open3.capture3(env_hash, *args) stdout.print(out) stderr.print(err) status end
run_validate(args, options) 点击切换源代码
# File rbs-3.8.0/lib/rbs/cli.rb, line 446 def run_validate(args, options) args, options: options).run end
run_vendor(args, options) 点击切换源代码
# File rbs-3.8.0/lib/rbs/cli.rb, line 833 def run_vendor(args, options) clean = false vendor_dir = Pathname("vendor/sigs") do |opts| opts.banner = <<-EOB Usage: rbs vendor [options...] [gems...] Vendor signatures in the project directory. This command ignores the RBS loading global options, `-r` and `-I`. Examples: $ rbs vendor $ rbs vendor --vendor-dir=sig $ rbs vendor --no-stdlib Options: EOB opts.on("--[no-]clean", "Clean vendor directory (default: no)") do |v| clean = v end opts.on("--vendor-dir [DIR]", "Specify the directory for vendored signatures (default: vendor/sigs)") do |path| vendor_dir = Pathname(path) end end.parse!(args) stdout.puts "Vendoring signatures to #{vendor_dir}..." loader = options.loader() args.each do |gem| name, version = gem.split(/:/, 2) next unless name stdout.puts " Loading library: #{name}, version=#{version}..." loader.add(library: name, version: version) end vendorer = vendor_dir, loader: loader) if clean stdout.puts " Deleting #{vendor_dir}..." vendorer.clean! end stdout.puts " Copying RBS files..." vendorer.copy! end
test_opt(options) 点击切换源代码
# File rbs-3.8.0/lib/rbs/cli.rb, line 981 def test_opt options opts = [] #: Array[String] opts.push(* {|dir| "--repo #{Shellwords.escape(dir)}"}) opts.push(* {|dir| "-I #{Shellwords.escape(dir)}"}) opts.push(* {|lib| "-r#{Shellwords.escape(lib)}"}) opts.empty? ? nil : opts.join(" ") end