类 Object
当一个 Hash 被赋值给
const_missing(name) 点击切换源代码
# File ripper/tools/dsl.rb, line 87 def self.const_missing(name) name end
add_event(event, args, qundef_check = false) 点击切换源代码
# File ripper/tools/dsl.rb, line 62 def add_event(event, args, qundef_check = false) event = event.to_s.sub(/!\z/, "") @events[event] = args.size vars = [] args.each do |arg| vars << v = new_var @code << "#{ v }=#{ arg };" end v = new_var d = "dispatch#{ args.size }(#{ [event, *vars].join(",") })" d = "#{ vars.last }==Qundef ? #{ vars.first } : #{ d }" if qundef_check @code << "#{ v }=#{ d };" v end
check_arity(h) 点击切换源代码
# File ripper/tools/generate.rb, line 151 def check_arity(h) invalid = false h.each do |event, list| unless list.map {|line, arity| arity }.uniq.size == 1 invalid = true locations = list.map {|line, a| "#{line}:#{a}" }.join(', ') $stderr.puts "arity crash [event=#{event}]: #{locations}" end end abort if invalid end
generate_eventids1(ids) 点击切换源代码
# File ripper/tools/generate.rb, line 94 def generate_eventids1(ids) buf = "".dup buf << %Q[#include "ruby/ruby.h"\n] buf << %Q[#include "eventids1.h"\n] buf << %Q[\n] buf << %Q[struct ripper_parser_ids ripper_parser_ids;\n] buf << %Q[\n] buf << %Q[void\n] buf << %Q[ripper_init_eventids1(void)\n] buf << %Q[{\n] buf << %Q[#define set_id1(name) ripper_id_##name = rb_intern_const("on_"#name)\n] ids.each do |id, arity| buf << %Q[ set_id1(#{id});\n] end buf << %Q[}\n] buf << %Q[\n] buf << %Q[#define intern_sym(name) ID2SYM(rb_intern_const(name))\n] buf << %Q[\n] buf << %Q[void\n] buf << %Q[ripper_init_eventids1_table(VALUE self)\n] buf << %Q[{\n] buf << %Q[ VALUE h = rb_hash_new();\n] buf << %Q[ rb_define_const(self, "PARSER_EVENT_TABLE", h);\n] ids.each do |id, arity| buf << %Q[ rb_hash_aset(h, intern_sym("#{id}"), INT2FIX(#{arity}));\n] end buf << %Q[}\n] buf end
generate_eventids1_h(ids) 点击切换源代码
# File ripper/tools/generate.rb, line 73 def generate_eventids1_h(ids) buf = "".dup buf << %Q[#ifndef RIPPER_EVENTIDS1\n] buf << %Q[#define RIPPER_EVENTIDS1\n] buf << %Q[\n] buf << %Q[void ripper_init_eventids1(void);\n] buf << %Q[void ripper_init_eventids1_table(VALUE self);\n] buf << %Q[\n] buf << %Q[struct ripper_parser_ids {\n] ids.each do |id, arity| buf << %Q[ ID id_#{id};\n] end buf << %Q[};\n] buf << %Q[\n] ids.each do |id, arity| buf << %Q[#define ripper_id_#{id} ripper_parser_ids.id_#{id}\n] end buf << %Q[#endif /* RIPPER_EVENTIDS1 */\n] buf << %Q[\n] end
generate_eventids2_table(ids) 点击切换源代码
# File ripper/tools/generate.rb, line 124 def generate_eventids2_table(ids) buf = "".dup buf << %Q[#include "ruby/ruby.h"\n] buf << %Q[\n] buf << %Q[#define intern_sym(name) ID2SYM(rb_intern_const(name))\n] buf << %Q[\n] buf << %Q[void\n] buf << %Q[ripper_init_eventids2_table(VALUE self)\n] buf << %Q[{\n] buf << %Q[ VALUE h = rb_hash_new();\n] buf << %Q[ rb_define_const(self, "SCANNER_EVENT_TABLE", h);\n] ids.each do |id| buf << %Q[ rb_hash_aset(h, intern_sym("#{id}"), INT2FIX(1));\n] end buf << %Q[}\n] buf end
grammar(f, out) 点击切换源代码
# File ripper/tools/preproc.rb, line 89 def grammar(f, out) while line = f.gets case line when %r</\*% *ripper(?:\[(.*?)\])?: *(.*?) *%\*/> out << DSL.new($2, ($1 || "").split(",")).generate << "\n" when %r</\*%%%\*/> out << "#if 0\n" when %r</\*%> out << "#endif\n" when %r<%\*/> out << "\n" when /\A%%/ out << "%%\n" return else out << line end end end
main() 点击切换源代码
# File ripper/tools/generate.rb, line 6 def main mode = nil ids1src = nil ids2src = nil output = nil parser = @parser = OptionParser.new parser.banner = "Usage: #{File.basename($0)} --mode=MODE [--ids1src=PATH] [--ids2src=PATH] [--output=PATH]" parser.on('--mode=MODE', 'check, eventids1_h, eventids1, or eventids2table.') {|m| mode = m } parser.on('--ids1src=PATH', 'A source file of event-IDs 1 (parse.y).') {|path| ids1src = path } parser.on('--ids2src=PATH', 'A source file of event-IDs 2 (eventids2.c).') {|path| ids2src = path } parser.on('--output=PATH', 'An output file.') {|path| output = path } parser.on('--help', 'Prints this message and quit.') { puts parser.help exit true } begin parser.parse! rescue OptionParser::ParseError => err usage err.message end usage 'no mode given' unless mode case mode when 'check' usage 'no --ids1src' unless ids1src usage 'no --ids2src' unless ids2src h = read_ids1_with_locations(ids1src) check_arity h ids2 = read_ids2(ids2src) common = h.keys & ids2 unless common.empty? abort "event crash: #{common.join(' ')}" end exit 0 when 'eventids1_h' usage 'no --ids1src' unless ids1src result = generate_eventids1_h(read_ids1(ids1src)) when 'eventids1' usage 'no --ids1src' unless ids1src result = generate_eventids1(read_ids1(ids1src)) when 'eventids2table' usage 'no --ids2src' unless ids2src result = generate_eventids2_table(read_ids2(ids2src)) end if output File.open(output, 'w') {|f| f.write result } else puts result end end
method_missing(event, *args) 点击切换源代码
# File ripper/tools/dsl.rb, line 77 def method_missing(event, *args) if event.to_s =~ /!\z/ add_event(event, args) elsif args.empty? and /\Aid[A-Z_]/ =~ event.to_s event else "#{ event }(#{ args.join(", ") })" end end
new_var() 点击切换源代码
# File ripper/tools/dsl.rb, line 54 def new_var "v#{ @vars += 1 }" end
opt_event(event, default, addend) 点击切换源代码
# File ripper/tools/dsl.rb, line 58 def opt_event(event, default, addend) add_event(event, [default, addend], true) end
prelude(f, out) 点击切换源代码
# File ripper/tools/preproc.rb, line 54 def prelude(f, out) @exprs = {} lex_state_def = false while line = f.gets case line when /\A%%/ out << "%%\n" return when /\A%token/, /\A%type/, /\A} <node(?>_\w+)?>/ # types in %union which have corresponding set_yylval_* macro. out << line.sub(/<(?:node(?>_\w+)?|num|id)>/, '<val>') when /^enum lex_state_(?:bits|e) \{/ lex_state_def = true out << line when /^\}/ lex_state_def = false out << line else out << line end if lex_state_def case line when /^\s*(EXPR_\w+),\s+\/\*(.+)\*\// @exprs[$1.chomp("_bit")] = $2.strip when /^\s*(EXPR_\w+)\s+=\s+(.+)$/ name = $1 val = $2.chomp(",") @exprs[name] = "equals to " + (val.start_with?("(") ? "<tt>#{val}</tt>" : "+#{val}+") end end end end
process(f, out, path, template) 点击切换源代码
# File ripper/tools/preproc.rb, line 48 def process(f, out, path, template) prelude f, out grammar f, out usercode f, out, path, template end
read_ids1(path) 点击切换源代码
# File ripper/tools/generate.rb, line 142 def read_ids1(path) strip_locations(read_ids1_with_locations(path)) end
read_ids1_with_locations(path) 点击切换源代码
# File ripper/tools/generate.rb, line 165 def read_ids1_with_locations(path) h = {} File.open(path) {|f| f.each do |line| next if /\A\#\s*define\s+dispatch/ =~ line next if /ripper_dispatch/ =~ line line.scan(/\bdispatch(\d)\((\w+)/) do |arity, event| (h[event] ||= []).push [f.lineno, arity.to_i] end if line =~ %r</\*% *ripper(?:\[(.*?)\])?: *(.*?) *%\*/> gen = DSL.new($2, ($1 || "").split(",")) gen.generate gen.events.each do |event, arity| (h[event] ||= []).push [f.lineno, arity.to_i] end end end } h end
read_ids2(path) 点击切换源代码
# File ripper/tools/generate.rb, line 186 def read_ids2(path) src = File.open(path) {|f| f.read} ids2 = src.scan(/ID\s+ripper_id_(\w+)/).flatten.uniq.sort diff = src.scan(/set_id2\((\w+)\);/).flatten - ids2 unless diff.empty? abort "missing scanner IDs: #{diff}" end return ids2 end
strip_locations(h) 点击切换源代码
# File ripper/tools/generate.rb, line 146 def strip_locations(h) h.map {|event, list| [event, list.first[1]] }\ .sort_by {|event, arity| event.to_s } end
usage(msg) 点击切换源代码
# File ripper/tools/generate.rb, line 67 def usage(msg) $stderr.puts msg $stderr.puts @parser.help exit false end
usercode(f, out, path, template) 点击切换源代码
# File ripper/tools/preproc.rb, line 109 def usercode(f, out, path, template) require 'erb' lineno = nil src = nil compiler = ERB::Compiler.new('%-') compiler.put_cmd = compiler.insert_cmd = "out.<<" if template File.open(template) do |f| out.clear lineno = f.lineno src, = compiler.compile(f.read) path = template end else lineno = f.lineno src, = compiler.compile(f.read) end eval(src, binding, path, lineno) end